Chapter Twenty Four

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A New Start

Henry returned to their home, he was still adjusting to their newly renovated home. It was completely new as though they were moving to a new place. It's not that he disliked it, everything in the house was new, the outside, inside and even the back garden. He just felt a little odd about the change.

He surmised that despite the bad thing that happened, still turned out for the better. Kind of like a new beginning - starting anew.

He opened their new door, inside almost looked completely different from the previous.
He saw Vera setting out the table for their dinner.

"Hi Nan." He greeted her.

"You're back." She said. "How was your first day of middle school?" She enquired next.

"It was very good, I still have some friends from Whittaker going to the same school as me. Danielle and I are share the same Maths lesson." He explained.

"Oh, that's good to know." Vera sighed. Henry made his way to their brand new kitchen although he needed to dodge some of of their new things still lying around but they were almost done redecorating and arranging their new things, just a few more magic touches and they could settle into their new home.

Vera did not cook however, she did order some Indian take away for their supper. The smell of it made Henry hungrier. They both helped themselves with the food that Vera layed on the table and after that, they worked together and finished the final touches of their newly renovated home.

Henry entered his new bedroom, they tried as hard as they could to replace what he had lost in the fire. Henry was still lamenting his old books, clothes, electronic devices and everything of sentimental value to him, perhaps he would take some time to fully get over the loss.

He settled in to his new school, he finally adjusted to the routine after his summer holiday. He made an effort to do well in his studies, kind of like his distraction. Somehow his labour was bearing fruits, his tutors were very pleased with him and remarked that he was one of their top students.

Henry distracted and preoccupied himself as much as he could, studying was something he enjoyed doing. He kept himself busy by downloading the apps and watching videos that aided him in his studies. He often found himself ahead of his courseworks that sometimes he'd even study ahead of their syllabus along with other things that interested him.

He had taken interest in gardening as he felt he could do something with their garden to match their new house. He particularly took interest in growing herbs and salads. This also took his interest in cooking and also planning on surprising his grandmother on trying a knack for spaghetti bolognese.

He tried to distract himself as much as he could as he missed the one wand he once had, his little secret rendezvous in the woods to practice levitating objects with it. As he reminisced, he remembered Phil and their recent encounter. He wondered about the smart phone they purchased and whether when he'd materialise again out of the blue.

While in the middle of the thought, he heard the familiar voice.

"Are you busy?" Phil asked behind him as he was sat on his desk staring at his computer watching a video about a DIY gardening. This startled Henry though he was not totally surprised as he seemed to be getting used to Phil both appearing and disappearing when he least expect it.

Henry turned around to see Phil wearing his black jacket and denim trousers with his leather boots that were reaching up to his knees. He was holding a familiar bag. It was the one carrying the smart phone they purchased from the shop about two weeks ago. He was curious how he got in without him noticing but that's only one of the things he was curious about.

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