Chapter Twenty One

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It was nearly the end of August and it rained heavily in London that day. Henry sat gazing at the window as raindrops pelted the pane. He had not much interest on anything recently and he preferred to stay in the house. This somehow caught Vera's attention and questioned him if he's alright. He reasoned that he's alright, that he's just bored and missed school and pretended to stay in his room to study.

He tried very hard to distract himself by reading and playing with his tablet but in the back of his head, he taught of the recent events that occurred. His morbid curiosity of the magical wand he once possessed and the man who owned it always lingered on the back of his head.

He tried to do more research of magic and supernatural but he couldn't find any more relevant information. He found such books completely unrelated, fictional and downright barbaric, there was no way they were connected. He was curious and wanted to see that wizard man and talk to him but the idea somewhat made him cringe a little.

He later on decided that he will move on and that he will eventually forget the whole experience as though none of it all happened and existed. He was just going to get on with his business although he was struggling, he realized that he will be starting middle school soon and the distraction would help him forget all about it.

Henry suddenly began hearing all the commotion of their next door neighbor, the couple had lived there for years but by the sound of it, their relationship was on the rocks. Henry noticed that the couple had been fighting quite recently, yelling and screaming at each other almost on the daily basis it bugged him, too.

One time he heard his nana chatting to one of Vera's closest neighbor Clara who paid them a visit, she mentioned that some of the neighbours had complained. "Blimey, why can't they keep it down, sometimes in the middle of the night, oh how dreadful!" she moaned.

Phil had returned in London staying in his apartment and trying to figure out his next move and sniffing for some strange activities. He sometimes would turn on the television and watch some news for anything unusual and beyond but a lot of the stuff he saw were often so alien to him. He was still trying to figure out how to use the remote control properly, he concluded that the buttons were a bit complicated.

He'd been lying all day in his bed and it was these situations that made him crave alcohol although he hated the side effect of these intense aneuma beverages, headaches. He resisted the urge to go out for them and decided to spend the rest of his day in self imprisonment. He saw on the news that it should be sunny again the next day, so he would do some work.

The following day arrived and Phil did his ritual as usual, he was above the clouds as he wanted to look at the sunrise before he started his day. He scouted the outskirts of London in an attempt to detect any sort of magical trails. He would normally choose the busiest of places and cast a detecting charm.

When the twilight was nigh, he sought for a gaming house where he could chill to reward himself for a full day's work. He scoured the centre of London looking for a place where he had never been before. The reason being was to keep a low profile and to avoid detection. Phil would try every interesting gambling game he could and bewitch it to his favour. He was advised by one of his seniors that if he didn't want to work, he could do this and earn the finance he needed in a mission within the realm of aneumas. This is how he paid for his apartment and other expenses.

He soon found a small one called Fortune Casino in the outskirts of Piccadilly Circus. It was Friday night, the city was well lit and the weather was nice. A lot of people were walking about to savour the night. Phil observed that this was a special day for anuemas to go out and meet out with their friends to party in night clubs or mingle in pubs.

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