Chapter Ten

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                                                                                   First Encounter

Phil had been researching whilst he kept an eye on the boy for his next move, they never had such a case. He visited the place where he had been practicing and saw that what the boy had stacked was still intact. He marked the place so that he could get there and see it with his own eyes for his next practice.

Henry had woken up for the next day, he noticed his grandmother had already left for work and had left him some money. He thought about buying another book with it or at least save it for something else. He thought about the fact that there were only three weeks left of the summer holiday and he was back to school again. He won't have much time to practice with the wand as he would be bombarded with course works once again. He finally thought about where the wand had come from, how did it get in the underpass? To whom did it belong to, now that he thought of it? It had been awhile since he had it, nearly a month. He thought about how he was going to hand it over. What kind of person would it be? He felt a sense of loss at the thought. He realised he got attached to the wand and the thought of surrendering it almost unbearable.

Another opportunity came and he had planned to practise again in his secret place. Henry got out of their house pretending he was going out on a stroll in the park for a bit exercise as he had been staying at home in the last couple of days reading and researching. He saw two cats and a crow pecking on their lawn. He wondered about the crow as he reckon it was the same one he had been seeing lately. The two cats started approaching him at the sight of him but he resisted the urge to pet them. He really wanted to try and go to that place for this day, he thought he was going to try something different, something new.

Phil had been alerted by the crow and was thrilled to see him for whatever he would try to do, he was right there before him, he was wearing his normal clothing, he had his dark glasses on. "There he is." he said when he heard him approaching nearby the cracking sound of dry branches and leaves. He took out one of his rings, he held it out and looked into it. It sort of began bending the space in the hole of the ring and the space immediately wrapped around his hand as it vanished as though it was being devoured. It continued towards his head and all the way down to his feet until he had completely become invisible.

Phil waited patiently until he saw a silhouette of a boy, slowly getting closer and closer treading carefully as he made his way through the prickly twigs of blackberries. By then Phil was conveniently standing and leaning against a tree completely invisible.

Henry stopped and stood by his previous spot. Phil saw him, he had had finally seen the boy who picked up his wand and learned some skill from it. Henry took out the wand that was safely tucked in inside his sweater. He recognised that it was his wand, it still looked the same. He was relieved to finally see it again, he felt it was looked after.

Henry began pointing the wand at the stack of objects he was practising on previously, they were as he left them to his amazement. Phil looked intently to what he was about to do. He saw bluish green colour through his glasses being attracted and absorbed by the body of the boy and being redirected towards the wand. Henry felt the wand powered up, he started moving the objects one by one, the bottle, the can, the rock and the box were all circling him around, Phil thought he could grab one of those and throw it at him but he resisted the urge. Henry decided to drag the objects as far away as he could to see how long his range was. He managed to push them as far as a dozen yards until he lost hold on them and they fell to the ground.

Phil looked in amazement for someone who never knew magic before. "This kid smart." he thought. A very intuitive learner.

Henry got bored of what he was doing, he wanted to try something new. He thought of something he wanted to do different but he could not think of anything else. He tried babbling some strange Latin words but never worked. This fascinated Phil. "Maybe I should try it on my feet." he murmured but he was scared, he thought it was too risky. "Maybe I should try levitating that big rock on the corner." He said casually. He thought about focusing hard and try to channel more energy. He concentrated on his surrounding feeling that energy, he tried to absorb as much as he could. In theory, he might need more. Phil waited curiously for what he was about to do.

When Henry felt that what he had gathered might be sufficient enough to levitate a rock that probably weighed a hundred kilograms, he directed the wand towards the rock about four times the size of a football ball. He felt the energy that he released from the wand latched around the rock. He tried lifting it, he felt the weight of it by a kind of force pressing against his body. He tried very carefully, testing the waters. "I need more." he said whilst going red. Henry finally got a full feel of the weight of the rock and he tried to lift it. He concentrated with all his might like he never did before, when the rock finally moved, he figured out how much effort was needed for that kind weight. He learned by bodily feeling what was required for such endeavour. He concluded that with that exertion he could lift and sustain it afloat for some time.

The rock stayed suspended in the air about a meter off the ground. He tried to draw it closer to him concentrating on the effort to make sure he could maintain. He managed to draw the rock close to him, he relinquished his hold on it as he felt he reached his limit and dropped flat on the ground. Henry took several heavy breaths as he felt he had exerted a lot of effort, he surmised that in effect he lifted it without using his arms.

Phil watched rather amused and amazed, he thought if any of his apprentices had the same dedication as he did. He realised the kind of power he could yield if only he was one of them.

"Open sesame!" Henry bellowed, Phil was caught off guard and took him off his reverie. He looked in amazement, wondering what it was all about all of a sudden. He waited curious for what he was trying to accomplish but nothing of any substance happened or manifested. He looked at Henry amused for his forehead wrinkled a bit.

"Abra cadabra!" Henry cried out. "How many times have you tried that?" Talking to himself. "Nothing ever happens." he said. He moved and sat on the rock he moved in front of him.

"What else can I do with you?" he said as he looked at the wand closely in his hands scrutinising its engravings. Phil observed him curiously as he stood still invisible by the tree. "Has he created some new skill?" he thought to himself, wondering what it was all about. He waited for him whether he was going to conjure something until Henry stood up. He thought he would try to do something different but he just stood still momentarily then he tucked the wand back in his jacket and walked away to wherever he was heading.

"I guess that's the end of the show." Phil said rather disappointed as we was curious to know what other skill he might have attained.

He waited until he was out of his sight and he returned to his place via portal. Phil laid down in his bed for he felt he was exhausted, he hadn't had a good sleep since he lost his wand and being constantly on the alert. He was nowhere near to figuring out the whereabouts of a wizard he was assigned to capture. He was especially assigned to capture him for his tracking abilities but somehow this wizard had succeeded on being off their radar. He came to the conclusion that if he could avoid detection until now, even by him then he must be really good.

"He was very interesting but I need to get back my wand soon." he decided he was going to leave him a message.

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