Chapter Eleven

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                                                                              The Visit

Henry woke up that morning feeling well rested, but he kept laying down as he didn't feel like getting up. He noticed that the sun was already shining bright through his window. He slowly forced himself to get up and headed straight to what he needed to do, "What can I do today?" he asked himself.

He headed downstairs, he fancied drinking some tea and fixed himself a cup. For some reason he didn't feel like eating cereal. He decided he wanted something savoury for breakfast so he opened the fridge to see if they had any eggs and bacon, to his delight they still had some. He made himself some toast and beans, too. When he had his fill, he finally felt fully awake. He made up his mind, he was going out. "I'm gonna look out for books." he said.

He headed back upstairs to his bedroom to take a shower then he was going to head off. He was still not aware that Phil is still keeping an eye on him.

When he had left, Phil made up his mind that he was going to visit his place just to see it for himself.

Phil left his place when he was alerted by the crow. When he reached the street where he lived, he wandered around to observe. He saw the birds and the cats he sent to keep an eye on him.

He recognised the house from when he looked upon their psyche, it was the house he was after. He walked back to the narrow alley he walked past earlier on as there was a concealed corner there where he could turn himself invisible. He took out another ring from one of his fingers and held it between his thumb and index fingers. The ring started to shine bright silvery light then a kind of moving space came from it and started to envelop his arm as it vanished and then his entire body until he was completely invisible.

His invisibility charm was just the first step. He walked back to the house he wanted to break in and he was going to enter the back door, he wanted to simply pass through the door.

There was a spell he invented and perhaps he was the only one who could do it, it was a spell that would cause his body or solid objects to momentarily turn into some form of energy and this enabled him to pass through them, such as brick walls and solid woods for example. He decided that was he was going to do to break into the house. This proved useful for capturing, spying and escaping. He was not able to do this when he was abducted for he was not in a proper state to perform this level of magic. He was fortunate to be able to manage and compose an illusion that impaled the spirits of his abductors and also cast a manipulative illusion to control the old man to assist him in his escape.

He made his way at the back of the house until he reached the back door. He figured nomas would not leave any obstruction on their doorways or at least very rarely, so it was safer to pass through it that than the wall or the roof. He preferred jinxing the objects with the use of his wand so he could pass through them but this time it was his own body. He only had a couple of seconds to accomplish this feat, maybe three seconds at the max.

He could look through inside the house with the help of his special glasses, too. He worked out it was the kitchen side, he also checked and saw that there was no obstruction by the door. He pulled out another ring and did the same thing as before. When the charm took effect, he was transformed into energy and he wasted no time and jumped through the door and he was in.

He looked around to see if there was anyone in the house but, he also knew that Henry lived with a woman, who he assumed would be related to the boy, he didn't know he had no parents. He walked to the living room and saw a glass table, couches, T.V. set and their portraits hanging on the walls. He saw the stairs on the left and walked up there. He saw the bathroom and two rooms on both left and right opposite to each other. He knew that Henry's room would be the one on the left for it was the side that had a window at the front of the house in which his minions had been spying through. He carefully turned the knob of the door and opened it. He looked around the room, looking at the messy bed, books and pens all over the place, towel at the bed and clothes laying all over the floor. He walked towards the window and looked outside. There was only a young woman carrying a toddler passing by.

He looked at the desk and saw a note pad, he approached and left a note for him to read. He wrote it quite big for Henry to look at it and figure it out for what it was.

When he had finished writing what he wanted to tell him, he marked a portal in his room and he used that portal to get to his place. He could not be asked to go out again, he decided it would be more practical for him to do that.

Phil returned to his place with the use of the portal. He took out his imitator and it transformed itself to a flat sheet of glass, the face of a beautiful blonde woman soon appeared.

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