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   "Hi. I am Chantel. Its nice to meet you." I tell her, keeping my tone neutral and my smile polite. Lucia opens her mouth to say something but King Lucas cuts her off : "Now that all the introductions are complete, let us begin." He says. I lower my head slightly and start eating. The first bite in my mouth and i almost moan out loud. This food is delicious beyond words.

  Till now i have eaten food prepared by humans. Humans are not as sensitive with their senses as we are. So even though their food tastes good, it does not taste right. But this food, the one which is definitely prepared by vampires for vampires is amazing. It is something i would sell my soul for. It is the right amount spicy and sweet. The steak and ravioli are so damn good.

  I cannot get enough of that food. I just love eating this. I ignore the looks everyone gives me when i keep gobbling down the food. The only problem is the dress i am wearing. It fits me like second skin and so i cannot eat too much. I feel really sad about it but i am petty so i would want to walk around in a beautiful gown looking pregnant. After eating everything for the second time, i sit back.

  I refrain from exhaling happily and patting my swollen belly. I look approximately 3 months pregnant anyways. I look to my left to see Andrain looking at me. I flush beneath his gaze. He looks at me adoringly. I smile at him. But then a motion behind Andrian draws my attention. Lucia is sitting next to him. I was so focused on the food that i didnt pay attention to her.

  She looks at me and smirks. She then calls Andrian and starts talking to him. I notice how his shoulders seem to relax while talking to her. Of course they both would know eachother. Andrian has lived with Edwin for like 5 centuries. He and Lucia must be really good friends. I casually watch  as Lucia whispers something to him and he chuckles. I feel something sting my heart. An ugly feeling rears up its head.

  I feel my anger building up. I suppress it quickly. Being angry is going to get me killed. I will have to use my head. Emotions are bad. I take a deep breathe and let go off that anger and jealousy. I dont even know why i am jealous. Like he is just being a nice guy and keeping me alive. I like him like a lot but i am not sure he does.

   He is like centuries old and there would be so so so many men and women who would wanna be with him. I dont think i would be that interesting enough for him. I mean look at Lucia she is a princess and a badass warrior. She is also really beautiful. Compared to them all, i am a child. Now this makes me feel sad. But before i can be sad, a plate of brownies is kept in front of me.

  My face lights up like a Christmas tree when i see the brownies. Nothing cheers me up like a good desert. I hear a chuckle and turn to look at Cheryl. She smiles at me, a motherly smile. Something inside my chest loosens and then tightens when i look at that smile. She serves me brownies, putting a good amount of chocolate sauce all over them. I wonder what it would have been like if she had come back. What it would be like to grow up calling her my mother.

    I push those thoughts away from my head. There is no point thinking about things that didnt happen. Things would have been really different though. I would have grown up being really spoilt. I would most probably live in the palace and live the best life. But i understand why she kept me a secret. I would have been killed the instant i would have come here. I still need to prove that i am not a threat to them.

  I smile and thank Cheryl before digging into the mouth watering desert. I wish i could dedicate my life to food. I dont think anything would make me feel happy like food does. After i finish the desert, i look around the table. My attention immediately goes to Andrian who is still busy talking to Lucia. He looks happy. I feel a pang in my heart at that thought.

  "Father, forgive me for questioning you but i would like to know why this half-vampire is dining with us." Lucia suddenly says. All conversation halts and i feel everyone looking at me. I look at Lucia, surprised. She doesnt look at me, looking only at her father.
  "If she is difficult to put down, i will do it for you." She adds and i feel fear grip me. My eyes dart to King Lucas. His face is carefully blank but i know he is thinking about what Lucia said. He likes knowing that he can put me down if i become too difficult.

  "There is no need for such actions Lucia. Chantel is a guest. She is here to assist us." He tells her after a few moments.

  "How can she assist us with anything? I wonder why she has lived so long. She is supposed to have lost herself to bloodlust by now." Lucia says.

  "She is not like other Half-vampires. She is a witch as well. There are spells and ancient magic that protect her from losing herself and that makes her one of the strongest creatures." Cheryl replies to her. Lucia's eyes narrow as she looks at Cheryl. Well i dont think she likes her step mother.

  "How can you be so sure that she is not lying?" Lucia challenges Cheryl.

   "I know she isnt lying because i was there when those spells were casted and she was given the gifts from her ancestors." Cheryl replies and Lucia looks taken aback.

  "How could you have been there?" Lucia asks.

  "I was there because she is my daughter." Cheryl admits, her voice strong and her chin up as she meets Lucia's stare.

  At first Lucia looked like really really surprised but then slowly that surprise turned into rage. I knew it was rage because i felt it. I feel scared as Lucia stares at me and Cheryl. Cheryl does not seem intimidated. She looks like a queen as she stares down at Lucia. I feel like i am in the middle of years old conflict between those two. I think they never liked eachother and i am a topic for them to fight over.

  "You didnt only hide a half-vampire, you birthed one. Then you seduced my father and became a queen even though you did not deserve it. For years you sat on that throne and lived in luxury while i killed our enemies. Now years later, you still havent proved your worth as a queen and you want us to help this filthy half breed?" Lucia says quitely but i flinch at her words.

  Her words are too venomous and i feel like getting away from here. I was not expecting to be called at filthy halfbreed. Lucia looks scary and Cheryl's eyes blaze in anger too.

  "I have never done anything that a queen wont. To be a better queen and step mother, i gave up my own daughter. I will not tolerate such insults towards myself. I have not won territories with bloodshed like you did but i have won over more lords and kings than i can count. I have kept our kingdom safe and flourishing. I sacrificed my daughter for it. She is not a threat to this kingdom but she is a blessing to us. I will not tolerate you insulting her." Cheryl speaks, her voice strong and unfaltering.

  I can totally believe that she is queen when she holds herself like that and speaks like that. She must be really good at diplomacy and hosting. I cannot imagine her fighting vampires but i can see her convincing them and winning them over. Her words hit me. She confessed that she gave me up to be a queen and a good step mother. I dont know how to react to that. I had started believing that she truly loved me but i should have know better.

  "You really think that talking sweet lies is all that is required of a queen? A queen has to sacrifice herself for her people. You just put all of our lives in danger by keep this half breed's existence a secret. She could be working for him. You have not only put our lives in danger, you have brainwashed my father. You have misused your soulmate bond with him and gotten away with doing as you like but i will not let you get away with this. No matter how you will have me punished but i will not sit back and watch you ruin the kingdom i built. I will not tolerate this." Lucia said, each word venomous.

  With each word Lucia said, she grew angrier. I felt fear grip me when she looked at me, her eyes gleaming with hatred. Time slowed as she got up and unsheathed her long, gleaming and very sharp sword. Before anyone could react, she lunged at me, sword held high and screaming a war cry.

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