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2 Weeks Later

His long and perfect fingers met mine. They were ice cold. I interwined my warm fingers with his. His black bore into mine. His eyes looked like burning coals. He was wearing a white shirt paired with blue jeans. I looked down to see i was wearing a blood red gown. It felt like velvet against my skin. It was gorgeous.

I looked back up at him. He was smiling st me. It was the most breathtaking smile i had ever seen. That was the first time he had smiled. I quickly returned his smile. It felt so good when i looked at him. His smile was very comforting. As i watched, his grew wider. His teeth were straight and white..... with fangs.

My breath hitched in my throat as i looked at him, the feeling of comfort i was feeling, disappeared. Instead i felt cold fear ripple through me. His smile turned into snarl, his eyes that were soft and welcoming were hard and cold. And then he pounced on me.

I woke up in my room, panting and sweating. Wow, now that was totally different from my regular dreams. Maybe i am watching too much vampire stuff before going to bed. I shook my head and took one deep breathe. I got off the bed and walked towards my balcony. I opened the door and felt better as i stepped out.

It was a cold night. The moon was huge and bright. I felt myself relax as the cold breeze comforted me. I shivered a little, i was only wearing a grey tank top and pink shorts. The wind made my hair dance and i let my thoughts run wild. It had been two weeks since i had joined high school. It was nice.

Mia and Mason were really welcoming and sweet. I was so happy that they were my friends. I learnt so many new things in school and most of it included socializing. I didnt suck at maths anymore either, Mason was a really good teacher. And also he asled me out. I said yes cause i like him, who wouldnt? He was really easy to be with.

But not everything was rainbows and unicorns. The starer and his friends still stared at me. Their whispers unnerved me. I also kinda felt paranoid all the time. I learnt their names though. The starer is Andrian Decarlo, his guy friend is Edwin Bellisario and his girl friend Catherine Stelle. Catherine is like Edwin's girlfriend. They were all really pretty but they were not nice people.

A shift in the forest, brings me out of my thoughts. I see a blurry motion for a mini second before it disappears. This has been happening since i got here. And its kinda getting on my nerves. I stare into the forest and behind a tree, a see a person's shadow. I stare for a few seconds to be sure but i do see a tall and well built person.

I go back into my room. I wear sturdy boots and put on a thick jacket and then i run and jump out of the balcony and set off running into the woods, towards the shadow. A small voice in my head warns me about how running into the woods in the middle of the night might be a bad idea but i mute the voice.

I didnt run much in life and now that i was running, i didnt want to stop. I ran so fast, the ground flew beneath me and everything around me was a blur. The person behind the tree ran when i started running and that person was really really fast. I swore and pushed myself to run faster. I ran deeper into the woods.

The woods were really dense and it was hard to find my stalker. But then i saw a blurry motion ahead of me and i pushed myself to run faster. I was slowly nearing in on my stalker and let me tell you, my stalker is really fast. As i neared, i realized that my stalker was a guy, a familiar one. I pushed myself harder and i was getting closer-


I felt all consuming pain shoot up my right leg and i stopped moving. I let out a blood curling scream. I looked down to see my leg stuck in a bear trap. Even with my boots on, the metal had cut into my flesh and i felt it cutting deeper. This pain was like nothing i had ever felt before. Blood pooled around me.

My knees felt weak, my vision blurry with tears and i screamed again as i felt the metal scrape against my bones. My vision started darkening on the edges and i felt like i might pass out. I slowly bent down and tried to free myself but the trap closed more tightly around my foot and i screamed again. Tears fell down my face as pain was the only thing i could feel.

I felt a light breeze and i looked up. Through my haze, i realized that i was looking at Andrian. I look at him in shock, without a word, he bends down and tries to break the trap. Within a few seconds, he has freed my foot and then my knees give out. He caught me before i fell to the ground. He picked me up bridal style and i looked down at the ground.

The pool of my blood was huge. I looked up at Andrian. His black eyes looked into mine with a fury of emotions. By this time, i could not even hold my head up. My leg hurt so bad, i wanted to cut it off to escape the pain. Andrian swiftly started running. I hardly noticed it. I felt so weak and tired. My eyes grew heavy.

I tried to stay awake. I tried noticing things to keep myself awake. I noticed that Andrian ran really really fast. I also noticed that he glanced at me frequently while running. But then after sometime, it was too tiring to keep my eyes open. So i stopped fighting and embraced the blackness as i closed my eyes.

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