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   I woke up with a blood curdling scream. It took me a few seconds to realize that it was just a nightmare. I was panting and sweating. I must have fallen asleep sometime back. I shivered a little as a cold breeze came in my room. I looked up to see that the balcony doors were open. Thats strange, i had made sure that were securely shut.

   I looked around the room. It all looked same. But it was dark outside and i could see the stars shining. Well i slept for a long time i guess. I felt well rested. Though the nightmare had certainly scared the life out of me. Who was that woman and why had she called me her daughter? She wasnt my mother. She was just really scary and cold.

  But all those thoughts whooshed out of my mind when i caught the smell of Andrian. I glanced back at the balcony. It was wide open. He must have somehow come into my room. How could he unlock it from outside was beyond me. And it was also really creepy. I did understand why he stalked me till now but entering in my room while i was sleeping was not acceptable.

  I could still smell him so that meant he was here just a few minutes ago. He must have left when i was about to wake up. How can he smell so good though? Its like men's cologne wont fade away even after an apocalypse but woman's perfume literally fades away within mintues. Thats really unfair. But back to the point, why would Andrian come in my room.

  His days of stalking me are over. Like i know everything. He doesnt have a reason to break into my room while i was sleeping. I would give him a piece of my mind when i see him next time. I looked around my room, looking for a clue as to why he was here. Beside my phone was a black diary. Thats strange.

    I had never seen this diary in my life. I picked it up to see it had small crystals decorating the black cover of the diary. It was simple, elegant yet somehow really magical. The crystals were basically running all over the book cover as diagonal lines. I opened the book and frowned as i read what was written on the first page.

Dear Elena,

     I know you might not like the glittery cover but everyone needs a little magic in life. I cant believe we are turning 18 today. I am just so happy. And so i am gifting this book to you. Consider it a friend who will always listen to you and never spill your secrets. Happy birthday sister.


   I reread the note which was on the first page of the diary atleast 3 times. So this book had been given to my mother as a birthday gift. Cheryl had gifted the book to mom. Cheryl also called mom her sister. And their birthday was on the same day. Maybe there were just really close friends who had birthdays on the same days.

  So this must be my mother's personal diary. Why would Andrian give it to me and how did he even find it? Maybe he knew how confused i was as to my existence and maybe he gave me this diary to help and maybe this diary held answers to all my questions. So without thinking more, i turned to the next page and started reading.


   So you are a gift to me from my twin sister Cheryl. I have never thought about writing journals. I dont have anything that important in life that i may have to write down. But Cheryl wont let me be until i write in this journal. She is annoying. So my name is Elena. I live in Whitefish, Montana with my family.

     I live with Dad and Cheryl in our little house. Dad works as the bank manager. He is really motivated and responsible. He always motivates me to work hard. I have always wanted to grow up to be like him. He was always practical and responsible. We were very much alike. But then there was Cheryl.

    She is something else. She is wild and lively. She doesnt believe in rules. She always lives in her own world. She is creative and has a wild imagination. Even though she is really annoying many times and makes me want to break things, i adore her. She makes life easier.

   So yesterday, we turned 18. It didnt mean that much to me but Cheryl couldnt stop jumping around. We had a huge party thrown for us. Our close friends were present. There was dancing and a little bit of alcohol. It was not very unbearable. But during the night, Cheryl had disappeared for sometime.

   I had looked all over the house but i wasnt able to find her. Just when i was getting worried, i found her. Her cheeks were flushed and her hair was messier than usual. I took her aside and asked her where she was. She just grinned at me and told me not to worry. But that made me worry.

  I knew something was up with her. She started acting a little strange. She was lost in her dream land almost more than usual. She would laugh and smile for no reason. During some nights, i would wake up to find her bed empty. But when i asked her any questions, she would brush them off or change the topic.

  So one night, i followed her. She soundlessly got off and the bed and opened our bedroom window. She slowly jumped outside. I followed her, being quiet and keeping my distance. She kept walking until she came across huge bush. The bush was a little too huge. It was easily 6 feet tall.

  As i watched, Cheryl kept walking towards the bush. She didnt stop and kept walking as i grew worried. And then suddenly, she disappeared. I blinked and tried to make sense of what i saw. But she had disappeared as i watched. The bush was still there. I walked towards the bush.

  I steeled myself and put my forward to touch the Bush. But i didnt touch it. I didnt touch anything at all, my hand went right through the bush. I walked forward and closed my eyes.

   My reading was interrupted by my phone's buzzing. I shut the diary and looked down at my phone. Mom was calling. I sighed. My head was spinning so much right now but i had to answer the call and pretend everything was normal. All the best me.

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