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The first thing i feel when i wake up is cold. Its not the biting cold. But it is the feeling of bathing in cold water during the hot sweltering summers. Its soothing and relieving. It feel natural like i have always felt it and yet it is something i have never experienced. I slowly open my eyes and i look at the window, the only source of light in the dark room.

The view from the window is beautiful, there are trees and then there is the soft glow of the morning sun. I feel fingers caressing my hair. I like it. I close my eyes and snuggle into the hard pillow i am sleeping on. Its surprisingly cold and hard. Weird pillow. I open my eyes again and look at the room i am sleeping in.

I dont remember my room being so dark. Where am i? And then my sleepy brain remembers everything. My eyes widen as i realise that i and Andrian are sharing the bed. Then i realize that I am not on my side of the bed. Infact i am not even sleeping on the bed. I slowly get up and my suspicions are confirmed. I am -- was sleeping on Andrian.

I stare at the perfect marble like chest i was sleeping on. I would have realized that i was sleeping on him sooner if he was breathing. But then, he doesnt need to breathe. And his heart beat is so faint, i hadnt heard it. I slowly tilt my head upwards and i see Andrian. One of his hand is on my head, gently caressing my hair while the other encircles my waist.

I think he is still asleep. His eyes are closed and he doesnt look at me. I take a moment to study his face. He looks very relaxed, his jaw isnt clenched and there is a hint of a smile on his face. He looks innocent, like a child. I smile as i look at him. I never thought i would compare him to a child but he looks like that.

And then suddenly his eyes open, i yelp in surprise and jump. I would have most probably fallen off the bed but his hold on me does not waver and i stay put. Even in the early morning light, his eyes are black. Pure black but not entirely black, they have golden and ember freckles in them. Now that is definitely very rare. It is also very mesmerising.

His eyes look so damn beautiful and enchanting and dont even get me started on those long dark lashes. Normally, if i found myself sleeping on someone with their arms around me, i would definitely freak out and run. But i dont feel like that right now. My hands rest on his cold chest, his hands rest on my waist and our faces are inches apart but it doesnt feel awkward or weird.

"Even i would believe that you both are dating." A voice spoke. It brings me out of the dreamlike state i was in. Me and Andrian turn to see Catherine. The room door is open and she is leaning against the door frame, smirking at us. She must be very light on her feet because i didnt hear her.

I get off Andrian and he lets me. My cheeks turn red and i stand up. I pull down the tshirt i am wearing. That traitor had rode up while i was sleeping. Andrian gets up and walks towards Catherine, his face blank. While he does that, i have a good look at his back and i have never seen such defined back muscles. They both have a whispered conversation while i pull out something to wear.

Without a word, i go into the bathroom. I have a quick shower. I tie my hair in a bun and wear black leggings and a black tank top. I apply a little eyeliner and leave it at that. I come out to find Andrian looking through his closet. He turns and gives me a once over before turning his back on me. Well thats not fair! I cant stop myself from oogling at him and he hardly glances at me.

I wear my black sneakers, fuming at the unfairness of the universe. I am really pretty and also a little too curvy but he doenst seem to care about that. I dont know why that upsets me. Wait... why am i getting upset? This shouldnt bother me. I dont have time for such stuff. I cannot afford to get distracted.

"Catherine came to tell us that the Hunters have something to say. They are expecting us in the living room." Andrian tells me and i nod without looking at him. Andrian wears a grey tshirt and the black leather jacket. Without looking at me, he opens the door and leaves the room. I huff and follow him.

We go downstairs and then walk to the living room. I cant help but look around and this mansion is classy and elegant with all the sculptures and paintings. It looks modern and yet it has the vintage vibes to it. I would love living here for the rest of my life. The Hunters are all gathered in the living room and they glare at me when i enter. I smile at them in response, not in the mood for petty fights.

"We have spoken to our sire, His Majesty, King Lucas. He has decided to take this half-blood's case into consideration before action. He has requested our presence in his court. We will be leaving within a few hours." The leader of the Hunter speaks.

I am in deep shit. The king wants to see me. Yay me! God i am so going to die. But then again he is supposed to be a nice person and wont kill me. I mean i am a good asset. My vampire powers are really good. And i have a very charming personality. Maybe he will like me. I will just have to be very respectful towards him. Maybe there is some hope for me afterall.


Edwin is pacing the room. I have never seen him look so stressed. He seems to be in deep thought. Catherine is leaning against a wall, her eyes on him. They both make an interesting pair. She usually wears bright colours and is calm and composed yet happy. While Edwin seems a little, worried and nervous. I havent seen him wear anything other than black, blue and grey.

We are in Andrian's room. Edwin is trying to make the best of the situation and also assessing how quickly i will die. Catherine is making sure Edwin does not over stress and kill someone. I am sitting on the bed watching them and trying not to look at Andrian. It becomes a little difficult to ignore him when he is looking through my stuff.

Well he doesnt want to carry too much since we might have to run for the hills. So he is deciding what is necessary. Now that is downright offensive. We had a huge argument about it and i almost snapped his neck. He cant just look through my stuff like that. Its really personal and he doesnt have the rights. But he said that he is the one who packed all of the stuff so its no big deal if he looks at it again.

I got so angry i almost popped a vein. But fortunately for him, Catherine interfered and stopped the argument before i melted his brain. But now he is looking through my bag again. I want to go and complain to Catherine that he is looking through my stuff again. But i am a big girl now. I should handle stuff like this.

I concentrate on Andrian and let my building anger go, targeting him. In a second, he winces and drops my bag. I didnt hurt him a lot like i did with the Hunters. What i made him feel was really bad migraine and hangover. He glared at me through the pain. I grin at him and take my bag. I hug it and then stop the pain.

Andrian is in front of me in an instant and he looks murderous.

"You are going to pay for that." He tells me, his was low and threatening.

"How are you going to make me pay?" I ask him. I get off the bed and face him. I dont know why but he brings out the rage and defiance in me. Andrian opens his mouth to reply when Edwin speaks.

"I have thought of everything possible. My father does not invite Half-vampires to his court until it is very important. I have thought of every exit route out of there. I have also thought of all the allies who will help us if things go south. My father is generous and sometimes even kind but we will have to be very careful. He can have all of our hearts ripped out the second he decides we are a threat to him." Edwin says, his tone very grim.

I gulp. If his own son thinks that way about the king, i guess it is the truth. Now i feel a little scared. So much for having hope. But wait, my life shouldn't be on the line like this. I have done nothing wrong to live in this state of fear. I shouldnt have to kiss anyone's feet to be allowed to live. Thats my basic right. I am going to fight tooth and nail with anyone who thinks otherwise.

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