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I did what most probably everyone does when they dont want to deal with life. I distracted myself in an attempt to forget reality. Catherine and I made breakfast while Edwin and Andrian spoke to the Hunters and practiced combat with them. I guess they are preparing themselves in case of fight or flight. It is really brave of them to go fight with the Hunters. I know i would never do that.

After eating till we couldnt move, we both decided to chill. We just basically had a girls day. I thought that my first girls day out would include a lot of shopping and and getting our hair and lashes done at a salon. But unfortunately, i couldn't step out of the mansion. So we did the next best thing, we got plenty of food, cosmetics and movies to binge watch.

We applied face masks and took a short nap. Then we tried learning new ways to style our hair. We did eachother nails and also had a good foot soak. We ate a lot of candies and cheese slices. We danced to party songs and sang our hearts out. We took tonnes of pictures. She showed me all the amazing stuff she owned. It really was a wardrobe fit for a princess.

We dressed up and pretended to be stars and diva. We also did eachother's make up. But we werent alone the whole time. We had fun for like 3 hours or so and the boys were back by the time we were wearing too many scarves and necklaces and dancing like there was no tomorrow. We were also singing too loud. I am pretty sure we looked ridiculous.

The expressions on their faces when they entered the room to find it a huge mess with us jumping and dancing and singing, was absolutely priceless. After that, both of them cleaned up while Catherine and i chose which outfits we would wear while we meet the king. It must be something stunning, classy and elegant. It should be bold but not too bold or slutty.

It couldnt be a dress or a gown as i couldnt run or fight in it and i might have to do both. I did not have anything that could be worn so Catherine and i tried to find something from her closet. She owned a lot of everything. Her taste was amazing. Luckily our sizes were almost similar. She was more slender while i was a little too curvy. So her clothes on me would be a kinda tight fit.

After a lot of deliberation, we both settled for an amazing top. It was a deep shade of purple. It was a halter top with sequins and really pretty shiny embroidery at the neckline. It was pretty well fitting at the waist and then it flared out. It exposed my belly button in the front while it's back sweeped down to the floor. I combined it with my black leggings

I couldnt decide the footwear though. All i had were sneakers. I didnt want to wear heels nor did i want to wear flats. At the end, i decided to wear black knee high boots. They had block heels which was good enough. Catherine tied my hair into a side braid with pieces of it framing my face. I wore a simple black watch and black diamond studs. I applied a lot of mascara, a little bit of blush and red lipstick.

When i stood in front of the mirror, i couldn't help but admire myself. I loved the way i looked. I somehow looked classy and elegant as well as a badass. My only concern was that the top was a little too tight. I was not used to wearing clothes which looked like a second skin but it didnt look bad. Catherine wore a white lace dress with knee high boots and black leggings.

I tied her hair in French briad and finished her look with shimmery eyes and a dark pink lipstick. She looked like fairy. We took tonnes of pictures before letting the boys in. We had sent them out while we wear changing, duh. Catherine opened the door and my eyes met Andrian's. My heart skipped a beat and i felt my stomach flutter.
His eyes widened a little when he looked at me.

His eyes slowly roamed all over me. Usually when men do that it makes me very uncomfortable but i didnt feel like that when he examined me from top to bottom. I also did a little twirl for him. When i smiled and raised my eyebrows at him, expecting a compliment, he acutally smiled back. Even though it was a close mouthed smile, it was a full smile.

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