Chapter 15- An Idea!

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"What did you have in mind?" asked Louis when Harry called.

Louis already was getting excited, the tone in Harry's voice told him something fun was about to happen, he got excited very easily though.

"Why don't we ask the Union J boys and Angel to go spend a week or something at that beach house we went to last summer?" he suggested.

"Is this for Angel?" he asked suspiciosly.

"I want to cheer her up, I want to see her again, I don't want to leave things like this, tomorrow everyone will be ready to leave and she will be too, we need to do this fast" said Harry.

"Harry please remember how fragile she is, you saw how she is with George, you know maybe, just maybe, he is the one that will be able to make her feel better" he said, Louis was always the fun one, and the crazy one but when he had to be serious he was all the way and for all of them the Angel thing was very serious.

"I don't even know why but I don't even want to think about that" said Harry.

"Fine, just be careful with her, I think you already know by now that she's no ordinary girl, she's strong yet very fragile at the same time" said Louis.

"I know, but you're still for cheering her up right? This is not about her liking me this is just about her and fullstop" he said.

"I think its a great idea but you have to ask them first obviously" said Louis.

"You tell the boys, and I'll tell the others" the boys meaning Louis would tell the other 1D boys and Harry would take care of the union J boys and Angel.

Harry went straight to George's room and he found everyone already there.

When they saw Harry they all had one thing in mind, "have you heard from Angel?" asked Josh.

He shook his head.

"This is big, what they did to her....."said George, and he slowly shook his head, "What they said..... it was too harsh its going to destroy her if we don't act fast" he said walking around the room.

"That's why I came actually, I have an idea" said Harry.

Four pairs of eyes were directed at him and they waited to hear what he had to say because they had no idea what to do to make things better, but they just had to, everyone knew it, even the 1D guys back in Louis' room knew it, everyone was very preoccupied about her and what had happened. They would be going to their seperate homes for a while in a few days and they had to figure something out fast, no one wanted to lose her as a friend for something that people outside of their group, did.

"So I thought about it, and we should all go for a vacation, we tell everyone especially Angel that it's about us just having a break all together, a farewell before we all part, she can't know this is about her or she will feel too much on the spot and she wouldn't take it, she has to say yes, we boys have already been to this place, it's a huge house by the beach it's relaxing and amazing, she will love it if she only accepted, which I know will be very hard, we just have to tell her that it's a group thing and that she just has to come, it would also be a break from all the paparazzi, no one is around there, when we're there, they close part of the beach just for us and anyway not many people go there anyway, so it's the perfect venue for her right now, and also for us, I know you guys have to keep working but I promise we'll be there for about a week and that's it" he explained.

He could see George was smiling and it was a bit of a relief that they didn't think it was a stupid idea.

"You had me at vacation, I have never in my life been on vacation" said Jaymi as he looked at the others.

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