Chapter 12- Will you go on a date with me?!

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The next days they were to be really busy they had five shows in one week and every show was in a different place so they had to travel to different places and live on the tour bus, Union J had it's own and One Direction had theirs, both were huge and comfortable but not as much as individual rooms in a hotel would be so they couldn't wait to have to stay in a hotel for a while.

The paparazzi issue was still there, two bands being friends and romance problems in between and they were making the top gossip everyday, and front page of magazines Angel was mostly seen with George since he was the one she always hung around with mainly and Martha was always asking about it but Angel never said anything.

They went for dinners together, went shopping, he always wanted her there when he shopped, since she was his stylist and best girl friend. He valued her word a lot and he didn't care much about the gossip around him, it didn't bother him at all.

"So you should all wear something with the base of grey and violet, Josh has the coat already and you need maybe a tie or a shirt, something like that it has to be like a grey shirt maybe with a deep purple tie, what ya think?" she asked as they were shopping one day, they were doing a concert in a huge arena and they wanted to look amazing, she had been out with the others to shop but never managed to get them all ready together so she was now shopping with George. It made sense that they shopped with their STYLIST so she didn't get why everyone did such a fuss about it when they saw them all the time.

"It sounds great" he said.

"The other boys are going to wear grey and black which is the same but with a tint of red, for example I know that Harry is going to have a deep red bow tie I don't know what else though" she said.

People were taking photos of them outside, it never stopped, tippers were given money whenever they called telling them somone of them was there so everyone did their best to tell the press when they arrived somewhere and took pictures themselves, obviously there were also those devoted fans that just met them and wanted to take a picture with them or those crazy devoted ones that would shout for Angel to leave whoever she was with alone.

It was kind of a habit now.

George tried on a few outfits and then he came out with the right one.

"Oh that looks perfect" she said standing up from the chair she had been sitting on.

"Do I look too serious though, I don't want to give a non fun vibe away" he said looking at himself in the mirror.

"No it's fine, she was standing behind him looking at him in the mirror too to see if there was anything she should change, she put her hands around his neck to arrange his tie, "There, this is great" she said.

Soon they went to pay for it and they were out into the crowd that had gathered outside, he took her hand in his and walked off into another store as he also needed some new shoes, these were not for the show so it was more like a relaxing stroll around the racks.

"OMG GEORGE SHELLEY!" someone screamed yelling out the 'Y'.

They both turned around to see a young girl with her hands over her mouth about to explode, she was about eleven and she was clearly a fan.

"Hi" said George, and Angel smiled at her, to her surprise the girl actually acknoledged her and seemed very happy that she had smiled at her.

"C--Can I have a picture with you guys" the girl said.

"Ofcourse love" said George but Angel declined and stepped backwards.

"Come on Angel" said George.

"Yes please I would be so happy if you two took a picture with me" the girl said jumping up and down with her ponytail all over the place.

"I..erm..why me...he's the celebrity" said Angel.

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