Chapter 17- A kiss on the beach!

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That night they all slept all through the night and most of the day, the first one up was Louis at about twelve, and of course if Louis is up first then the others would be up very soon as he's not the quietest of persons.

He hopped downstairs right after all the morning toilet stuff and soon was singing as he made some coffee.

Harry was up next stumbling down not really seeing were he was stepping, "why do you have to be so noisy" he said groggily ruffling his hair away from his eyes.

"Because I am a fun person you idiot" he answered.

"Not when I just woke up you're not" said Harry trying and failing to sit on the kitchen stool.

"You need to get some and soon" said Louis doing his diva pout.

"Shut up Lou" said Harry but he had to admit he was about to smile.

JJ, Jaymi and Liam were just coming downstairs too and they too were staring at Louis and the amazing energy he woke up with every morning.

"Come one guys, it's late enough, we need to go to the beach like an hour ago" he said as he sipped his coffee and jumped onto the the island top, how he managed to not spill coffee is a mystery.

Half an hour later Josh came down and right after him were Niall and Zayn.

"So only Goerge and Angel are yet to wake up" said Louis already thinking up ways to wake them up.

"I'm here" said George as he came down the stairs, "but I was in Angel's room and she's still asleep" he continued.

Harry snapped his head at him, that woke him up good alright, " ...slept with her?" the question could have meant more than one thing so there was some coffee choking around the group, George was too sleepy to notice though.

"Nah, I just popped in to see if she was okay, used to do it sometimes when we were in the Corinthia" he said as he made a cuppa for himself.

"Okay" was all Harry said.

"We should do a twitcam boys, we haven't done one in ages" said Josh.

"Would you mind if we join you?" asked Niall as he munched on a delicious looking muffin.

Josh smiled big, "Oh yeah, you could be like our special guests, it could be a bit of a long one" he said.

Jaymi got all excited and clapping and Louis joined him.

Louis then smiled, only his was wicked and full of ideas one, "and I just have the perfect idea on something we could also do in this special twitcam" he said, Liam looked at him suspiciously and hoped it wouldn't involve spoons again and Zayn well...he just groaned it was still too early for him to be up.

So as everyone got ready Angel was still fast asleep, Josh tweeted that they were going to have a twitcam and fifteen minutes later they were twitcounting down the minutes and then...

"Hellooooo Jcaaaats" yelled Jaymi to the camera.

"Say bananas if you can see us and hear us well" said George and the fans did, it went on like that for a few minutes.

"So guys this is somewhat of a special twitcam today, we have guests and everything and then there's something else that we're not really sure about" said Josh as he glanced at Louis that wasn't visible in the camera.

Fans started asking all kinds of questions like, 'what was like touring with 1D?'

or 'how's it going with Angel and who is she really with?'

Then JJ and George started eating some bananas and a fan asked something and George read it out loud, "Who has the biggest banana?" he read , they all laughed but Niall's laugh could be heard very clearly, his laugh is too special and unique not to right!

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