Chapter 19- Let's go have some fun!

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They had an amazing time on the rides and they went home very tired, Niall couldn't stop talking about the scary ride and he kept teasing Angel that she gripped his hand pretty tight when the clown popped out from the wall. She explained that she wasn't afraid of many things she could see a gory monster and it wouldn't affect her but a clown made her wires turn and her heart drop.

"You gripped my hand and moved closer when that little witch was about to come at you so don't talk just about me" she said while they all laughed, on their way back home.

"Oh Angel, you're so innocent" said Zayn.

She looked at him confused.

"Niall is only afraid of one thing, and that is someone taking his food" said Loui with a grin.

She could see Niall blush but he smiled at her anyway.

Jaymi whisled along with JJ and Zayn.

Louis looked at Harry and he was looking at Niall, Louis nudged him and Harry looked over to him, "you can't do this Harry" he told him.

"I am doing nothing" he said they were whispering.

"You know" said Louis, "she's available to anyone who is ready to make her happy Harry so either step it up or stop being so grumpy when these guys make a movie on her, cause I already noticed George is very close to her, Josh is interested and I think Niall liked her but didn't do anything because he thought you would, ages ago" .

"Well it's not like I did nothing" said Harry.

"Yeah Harry you kissed her, she ran away but you never asked her why, it's always a challenge date with you two, or a challenge kiss, just do a real one for cryin out loud" said Louis.

"What if she's not interested and that is why she always runs away from me?" asked Harry.

"Well you could try again or watch as she gets swept away by someone else, she's not a bad sight Harry, she's gorgeous and funny and even though I have El, I can just feel that anyone single or maybe even not, can feel the urge to protect her and that makes men go to her like moths to a flame" he said being such a philospher, Harry just stared at him, "just saying" he said raising his hands in the air and looking away joining in the conversations of the others once again.

Harry thought about it, maybe Louis was right but it wasn't easy to put yourself out there and be rejected, then it clicked, REJECTED that was the word she had used when she described what her father had done to her. That's it! She's afraid of falling, maybe she's just afraid that if she let's go and let's herself fall for someone or maybe even love someone she would get hurt, rejected again, because let's face it if your own kin rejects you then it would be easier for a stranger, but Harry would never hurt her or else he would try not to and would hate himself forever if he ever did and would spend all his life trying to make up for it. He shook his head, look at what he was already thinking, he didn't even know what she thought about him and he was already building castles in the sky.

He looked at her as she laughed with the others finally loosening herself just a little, it was as if she was moving in slowmotion, his plan on making her loosen up a bit was still on but he wanted to also tell her how he felt about her, he watched her as for just a split second her laughter would die down just a little and her face would fall as if she was thinking that she wasn;t supposed to laugh like that, but then she would resume it and, 'she's so cute when she flips her hair like that' he thought, 'if only she didn't cover her face with her bangs so much, I love her perfectly shaped cheeks and those dazzling eyes of hers' he kept on thinking, he didn't realise he was staring and obviously didn't know about the stupid look he had on his face, and as Angel laughed at a joke Louis was saying and as George put a hand over her shoulder and they all started to sing a song their eyes met, she saw him, as if she saw deep within him but still didn't understand what she was seeing, she cocked her head to the side, her smile faded just a little and then tunred into a sweet one, Harry didn't care what he looked like to her at that moment, if he looked stupid or creepy, she blushed and he winked at her after which she looked away and then continued with the conversation with the others.

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