Chapter 4- Hello!!

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The show started and it was absolutely amazing, everyone was buzzing and those that were done were coming down the stairs either on the verge of tears or about to scream. The atmosphere backstage was of suspense and happiness and a lot of crazy people running around.

When the boys were up and Louis Walsh announced them Angel ran to the edge of the back stage area peeking at the TV to see how they were going to do, "Come on boys you can do it" she whispered to no one in particular.

As they showed the video of them she couldn't help but crack a smile, they were just too much fun, and then the voice announced them, "Omg they look so good" she whispered as she unconciously put her hands together as if she was going to start praying.

"Enjoying the show?" someone said from behind her,  and she jumped with a hand on her chest. For a second she thought it was going to be someone from the staff telling her she wasn't supposed to be there but when she turned around she saw the mostr unbelievable green eyes and an amazing smile facing her.

"Harry Styles" she whispered.

"That's me" he smiled wider.

He gently put a hand on her back and peeked around too, "they do look good, I believe you're the hairdresser?" he asked.

She froze, I mean come on Harry Style's hand was on her back, what girl wouldn't freeze, although it wasn't exactly like that to her, she would freeze if anyone touched her so, yeah.

"You did a great job, they look great" he said.

She looked down, "Thanks" she murmured.

"So what's your name love?" he asked.

"Angel" she replied.

He smirked, "that explains a lot" he stared at her he seemed to be mesmerized by her eyes and the way she hid herself emotionally and physically made him want to get to know her even more, "so I was wondering.." but he was stopped as James Arthur came near.

"OOH MY GOD that was soo good they took pictures and I looked really good, thank you" he said and then he glanced behind her at Harry and stiffened, "Oh shit, erm... hi.. you're Harry" he said, Harry smiled at him and shook his head, "that's what my mother tells me" he said, "listen you smashed it up there you were great, amaziing I am cheering for you mate" continued Harry.

"That..." he looked down and then looked away, "that means a lot coming from you" he said.

Harry nodded and smiled, as he put his hands in his pockets and stood there awkardly.

"Listen I am going to go find Rylan, see you later" said James as everyone could hear that the boy's performance was over and they were about to get off stage.

He nodded to both of them, "I am going to see how the boys did" she said and started to walk away,  when she noticed that Harry was about to follow, "I'll walk with you" he said.

She looked up to see George with such a sad face that it made her walk faster to them, "What is it?" she asked worried.

"They didn't like the song choice" said JJ.

They looked so bummed it made her sad, "Guys this will just have to make you look at next week as a challenge, try harder and rehearse and when you're up there have fun with it" said Harry, and it seemed as if it did make them feel better she could see the determined look in their faces and she looked up at Harry and for the first time smiled at him as if to say thank you.

"Group hug" said Jaymi.

George hugged Angel and they all got some action, even Harry managed to hug them all.

"You guys we'll just have to cross our fingers for tomorrow and well just hope and next week work harder" told them Angel, they all nodded.

"I am going to go a little bit around to see if anyone needs me guys" said Angel because she could see Helen running around in the distance and she didn't want her to find her hanging around doing nothing even if there was nothing to do.

They all waved at her and with a smile she left.

"You have got a good stylist" said Harry.

"She sure is" said Josh.

He could see the younger lad smiling as they talked about Angel, he liked her, well who wouldn't, if only he knew if she was at least available, he wanted to talk to her but this wasn't exactly the best environment, she was too busy to talk to him.

"Anyway you guys do your best next week and goodluck for tomorrow, I am going to walk around a bit" said Harry, he nodded to them and walked away, he wanted so badly to follow Angel but knew it would be creepy if he kept doing it but he knew this wouldn't be the last time he saw her, and the idea was a bit exciting.


As the X factor went on the boys became friends with Angel even more, even Ella and James came to Angel all the time, and not only for make up, Josh was right she was very fun to be with.

The boys from Union J even managed to sneek her into a twitcam without her noticing once.

"So we are going into our stylist's room, hopefully her door is open" whispered George at the followers on their twitcam.

They slowly opened the door to her room, which they found was in fact open and they creeped in, Angel was aleep, they switched on the lights but she didn't wake up so they took off the covers, their eyes went wide as they never saw her with such short shorts, they had never yet seen her legs probably and it was a shame because they loved the scene before them, she was wearing a simple short shorts and a plain white tee, but she usually wore baggy clothes and hid a lot of her body so this was a surprise.

Josh actually gasped and so did Jaymi, then they started to sing, "I'm wide awake" sang Jaymi.. and she jumped, "What the hell" she croaked and then she saw their laptop pointed at her and she covered her face and her body with the sheets but they could actually hear her laughing, "Go away!" she said.

"Say hello to our fans" said George.

After a few seconds she peeped from under the covers and waved, "HI" she said and hid again, "I am going to shave all of your heads tomorrow" she mumbled from under the sheets.

They all burst out laughing, they were very happy their twitcam had been a success and later the other day they found a tweet from Harry saying, "Your twitcam was very interesting" read Jaymi, as they all looked at each other "This is crazy" said Josh.


Angel was opening herself and being all the time more confident about herself, she found herself thinking of one boy before she went back to sleep that day, he had curly hair, a cheeky smile and reassuring words, his name was Harry and she didn't know why she was thinking about him but she was and she found herslef falling asleep to the image of his smile and somehow another smile quite like his, George's.


(Author's Note) : So many things are going to happen this X factor thing is going to end soon and dates are going to happen, and big things anyway please when you read vote coz I really need it and I'm competing with some pretty amazing people so please help me and tell me what you think about this story even if its boring, tell me what you want to see, what you want to happen, just tell me, I would love to read your comments I have to be happy when I open my mail tomorrow pleeaasee. Love you all anyways..... bye, next chapter will be up very soon.

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