Chapter 9- And the tour begins!

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Angel didn't know what to think anymore, they were going to tour with One Direction, it was the best experience she could ever imagine, and for it to happen to her, hell it was amazing! But it was a problem in it's own way still.

Every directioner's dream right!

"One Direction" she whispered.

They didn't have time for anymore chitchat though beacuse they had to register since they were already a little late.

The boys were buzzing and since they had so much energy in them it was kind of contagious so she started to really have fun and get excited about it and by the time they arrived in America her hopes were up and she was full of energy, well she was a little sleepy after a long flight but other than that she felt great.

The boys were looking around as none of them had been in America before, neither had Angel, they were all America virgins so to speak, and even though they had just arrived they were loving it. They were in the car gazing around and dancing to the music, Angel was laughing out loud at the weirdos infront of her, she couldn't believe how funny they were, in such a weird bromance, funny, loving way they did things. They constantly tweeted something, they loved their fans, which she found absolutely adorable. She kept taking videos of them doing the most random things and they loved the camera and it loved them in return.

"Okay here we are boys" said Blair as they arrived at the hotel were One Direction were staying they had already had a small concert announcing that from then on Union J would be touring with them, so they had been in America for a week already.


"The boys should be here soon" said Liam.

Their rooms were a mess but they didn't mind, they were boys, they were probably just like them.

They were all in Harry's room waiting for the others to arrive, they were all wearing sweats not really caring since it would be boys with boys.

"I hope they don't get too excited" said Niall, he knew how he felt when he had to tour with Big Time Rush but he also knew that they all nailed the performances.

"Nah they'll be good they're just like us" said Louis, their managers might have been afraid of Union J but they certainly weren't, they embraced competition and they adored the guys, they were fun to be around and joining forces was a huge and perfect idea.

There was a knock on the door and Louis jumped up to open.

"Hello guys" he nearly screamed.

"Jeez Louis, you're going to scare them" said Zayn.


-*-*- 5 minutes earlier -*-*-

As they entered the hotel and were about to go knock on the boy's room they met 1D's own stylist and she wanted to get to know Angel, she was so nice that Angel had no trouble accepting, she took the luggage to her room and they stayed there as they talked about work, the tour and the bands they were going to take care of.


-*-*- Present -*-*-

"How are you lads?" asked Liam as he stood up and greeted them.

They all nodded and got comfrotable, they ordered room service and just had some fun.

George texted Angel telling her they were going to watch a movie in a few and she was invited, still no one really knew that Angel was actually touring with them, well lets just say Harry didn't know, it still was kind of Union J business.

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