Chapter 17

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Read the note at the end~

Warning: mention of pedophelia. 

Elijah’s P.O.V
*Six years later*
“And that’s the end of today’s class, have a good day everyone!” I said with a bright smile as the bell ring. I’m really happy because today’s my birthday and I decided to offer myself a cake! I normally save up on money and don’t buy a lot of food, only what I need to stay healthy, but my psychologist convinced me to celebrate it. She’s really wonderful. It has now been four years since I started to see her. At the beginning I wanted nothing to do with shrinks, even more now that I had Oreo to help me, but after two years of living in this new town I had an attack in the mall when I thought I saw Mr. Brown. She was there when it happened, and she helped me by making every bystander go away and taking care of me after I calmed down. Susan then persuaded me to see her each Monday, she can be pretty convincing when she wants to.
Now, I don’t have a single regret about seeing her. She helped me open up and talk about my Elementary’s teacher. How he forced me to cross dress as a girl and sexually assaulted me. She wanted to bring him to court, but I would have to give out my testimony before everyone and I wasn’t ready for that. Even after eighteen years since I last saw him, I’m still afraid of him.
Susan also succeeded on giving me more confidence in myself, even though I still have bad days when I can’t look in the mirror. She made me do a diary in which I need to write something positive about myself each day. It was hard at first, but now it is way easier. The next step is looking into a mirror each morning and voicing out good things about myself.
One year into the consultations, I resolutely stop cutting and put my razor blades into the trash. No more self-harm. If I allow ‘him’ to haunt my life and ‘his’ memories to control my gests, then I will never be able to overcome my fear and live my life freely. I can’t let him win. Oreo really helps when I’m feeling down and that dark thoughts enter my mind. Susan also gave me tricks to help soot away the need to cut, like doing marking on my forearms with a pen or slightly hitting them with a hair elastic. It helps, a lot.
I can now think of Mr. Brown without having an attack, even though it still gives me shivers from time to time. I also show more my emotions and the void inside of me lessen. I sleep more at night and eat more. It still a little hard, but I don’t look like a zombie anymore. More like an art teacher working at a university that has a lot of project to correct, which I now am. I wasn’t sure at first if I would get the job, because I’m young, but I got it. Seems like they were low on staff, even though Susan tells me that it’s because I’m a genius in art.
All in all, life’s good and the past is in the past.
No longer has I thought this, that I abruptly come to a stop before my house. There, is parking a all too familiar car that I wished to never see again.

Hey dear readers, try to guess who it is.

Also, I decided to overwork myself this week! I normaly write one or two chapters per week (now it was supposed to be two with the new schedule), but I would never be able to finish this book before school starts again this way. So, I decided to write three chapters, not per week, but per day! Yes! 3/day! Until I finish the book of course.

So yeah, if I did my maths right I should be able to finish this book at the beggining of next week. HOWEVER, I will continue to update two chapters per week. Why? Because it will be the last book I will post until school end (June), so I want to make it last.

After a long discussion with my parents, we decided that I should concentrate only on my project (the other book), on exams and on homeworks. This year is my last one and I want to have the best grades to appeal more to my future school.

Therefore, you will have to wait until June for Bart's story. I will try to finish my project before May and start to write Bartholomé's story, but it will only be to stock up on chapters. I won't be able to keep a schedule, so I will only start to update after school is over.

I will continue to read your comments, so you can ask if I'm dead or where I'm at with my project if you want.

I'm sorry and I hope you understand my reasons.

(I will keep updating here and on Tapas until this book is finished, because the chapters will already be written)

Next chapter is a lonnnggg one~

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See ya next update~😉

(571 words)

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