Chapter 20

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Warning: brief mention of suicide attempt.

Elijah P.O.V

After calming down, Jaydon helps me wipe my tear stained cheeks and my already puffy eyes become even more puffy. I’m sure I look like a puffer fish. I can barely see anything, but I can tell that Jaydon is trying to hold back his laugh.

“So, you and your brother are my mates…” I say with a monotone voice and the laugh he is trying to contain dies in his throat. His eyes become filled with regrets and pain and his fist crumbles the tissue it has in it. I’m currently sitting on my bed with my back against the wall and the sheets around me while the young Alpha is sitting on the edge of the bed with his leg hanging.

“Yeah, and let’s make it clear. Mikael and I deeply regret everything we have done to you and wish to be the best mate you could ever have. We love you. I don’t want to guilt trip you, but after learning that you were our mate, Mikael t-tried to kill himself. Not because he didn’t want you, but because he couldn’t deal with the guilt and he thought that it would make you happy to see him dead. I-I was lucky enough to find him in the bathroom b-before he could die from blood loss, but he was just so broken. He’s now seeing a psychologist, but he still feels too guilty to face you. I feel the same way as him, but I know that hiding or killing myself aren’t the good options. We know and accept that you will reject us. Please, don’t let my words influence your decision. We just want you to be happy and if you stay with us then you will forever be reminded of what we did to you.” Jaydon says while starting to cry in the middle of his speech. I’m shocked to see a big Alpha like him cry, and even more so to learn that Mikael, the bad boy, actually tried to kill himself for an ugly omega like me.

“Well, I’m ready to give it a try. With everything I have experienced, I learnt that every chance to be happy must be taken. Even though it may leave me in even more broken pieces, I want to believe in both of you. If the Moon Goddess decided for us to be mates, then there must be a reason. Everything happens for a reason. I will trust you one last time, try not to break my trust.” I say while looking at him in the eyes, before looking back to my bed. I don’t like to look at people in the eyes after all. Even though they hurt me, I don’t want to let some childish grudge get in the way of a possible happily ever after. Everyone deserves a chance to prove that they changed or that they can change, for better of course. I’m willing to give the twins this chance, now the ball is in their park. Will they really be the caring mate they say they are now, or will they once again shatter me? Only time can tell.

“Thank you so much Eli! I promise you that we will repay your forgiveness for the rest of our lives! I love you!” My giant puppy says before giving me a huge hug. He comes to kiss me, but I put my hand between our mouths.

“Not so fast. I can let hugs pass, but kisses and further will have to wait until I completely accept you as my mate. Also, what happened after I passed out?” I say with my head titled at the end. Jaydon pouts and I can see his imaginary dog’s tail and ears dropping, which makes me internally coo at his cuteness. Seems like I now have a new dog. Speaking of canine, where is Oreo?

“If you are looking for your dog, I shut him outside of the room because he wouldn’t stop barking at me”, he says when he saw me looking around, before answering my question, “Also, the police show up after you passed out and took the pervert to the police station. I didn’t know if you wanted others to know about what he did, so I just told them to keep him there until you wake up and that we will show up later to explain everything.”

I let out a sigh of relief because I think I would have been mad at him if he told others about my past without asking for permission first. However, I think it’s time for me to face my past and send Mr. Brown to prison. Not just for me, but also for very other victims that suffered in silence under his threats.

It’s time to put a stop to his evil doings.

Hey dear readers, Mr.Brown will finally get what he deserves! Or not?...

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(806 words)

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