Chapter 21

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Elijah's P.O.V

One call. That's all it takes, before I'm left shivering in my mate's hold.

After telling Jaydon that I was going to put charges against my Elementary's teacher with proofs and a testimony, he called the police station to tell them that we were coming, only to be told that one of the higher-ups told them to free the pervert. It seems like Mr. Brown has some sort of connection with the police, because after one call he made, he was freed. I can't believe it, everything was finally turning for the best, but now my past aggressor is in the wild. He will come back for me, I'm sure of it. I just want to live a normal life for once! To feel like everyone, not like I'm ready to explode at any time and harm myself. Why can't I have my happily ever after!? It's so goddamn frustrating!

Jaydon hugs me even tighter as I let out a frustrated cry, before cooing comforting words in my ear. Telling me that everything will be alright. That he will find him again and put him behind the bars. But how can he be so sure? What if the old man has even more connections and success in escaping? I just want to sleep and never wake up. The world is just so tiring. Everything tires me out. People, standards, society. Just thinking is becoming hard. I feel as if there are just too many thoughts in my mind. I feel like my head will explode. It's just too much! Everything is so goddamn noisy! I can't endure it anym-


Suddenly, I feel as if time has stopped. The annoying noises in my head stop, as if they were never there. I slowly open my eyes, becoming aware of the fact that I had unconsciously clenched them shut and that my hands are on my ears, as if to prevent any sounds from entering. Even though the noises are already inside. From what I can tell, it's Jaydon that somehow stopped the noise. His forehead is on mine and his hands are cupping my jaw and his long fingers are resting on my cheeks.

"Don't worry, I won't, we won't, let him harm you anymore or any other person. Just trust us." Jaydon says after opening his profound blue eyes and looking in my light blue ones. We stare at each other for a few seconds, before I look away, unable to keep eye contact for any longer. I nod at him and then a thought enters my mind.

"Oh yeah, why are you here?" I ask him because I don't think he came just to find me. With Alexander's power I'm sure they can find me easily, so he would have come sooner if it isn't for something coming up. The twins must have thought of leaving me to live my life without reminding me of bad memories, while my adoptive parents must have felt the same thing and also guilty for not discovering the bullying.

"Samuel was finally able to get pregnant again, he wants you to be there during his pregnancy and meet our sibling after he gives birth." Jaydon answers, looking slightly guilty to have gone to look for me only for this reason, but I know that he didn't do it sooner for my sake. Therefore, I'm not mad at him. After having the twins, Samuel and Alex tried to have other children, without success. I'm happy that they finally were able to achieve their dream, even more so now that I will be stealing both of their sons. I'm a little worried though. I don't see the twins as my brothers, so it doesn't bother me, but they probably see me as their son too...For them it will be like their two Alpha sons mated with their omega son... From what Jaydon told me before, the twins are sure that their parents already know that we are mates, but they never said anything about it and purposely avoided the subject.

Yeah, I don't think it will go well...

Hey dear readers, school starts again on Thursday! Wish me luck~

I will post the chapter after school and tell you how it went. Hopefully, everything will be alright and I won't have an attack in the middle of classes.

What's weird is that they have yet to send us our schedules... There is only one day left for them to send it and I really don't like being informed of things at the last minute. It really stress me out and I don't need anymore stress as it is with classes starting again.

Anyways, we live in a shitty world, so meh...

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See ya next update~😉

(684 words)

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