Chapter 28

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Elijah P.O.V
Everything went like a blur after Jaydon was shot. Alex finally came back to his senses and let the now even more disfigured man go, well more like he gave him to Mikael so he could continue to beat up. Like father , like son. Anyways, Alexander called the police and the hospital, while I put pressure on my mate's shoulder to try to stop the bleeding. His painful groans kept on making my heart ache and I wanted nothing more than to just cover my ears and keep my eyes shut, but Jaydon needed me. Finally, ambulances came, and paramedics took my mate away. I wanted so much to follow them, but Alex told me to take care of Mikael and not let him kill the hunter, while he goes with Samuel to check if the baby was alright. I made him swear that he will take care of Jaydon, before allowing the paramedics to rip my hand from my mate’s bicep.
Which is why I’m now trying to convince my mate to let the hunter go. Without much success.
“He tried to hurt you, and he hurt Jaydon! I can’t let him go, he needs to suffer!” Mikael says and hits the man on the face once again. I put my hands around the arm that was continuously making the hunter suffer, but my mate shakes me off. That’s when the fine thread holding my temper in check snapped.
“What do you think you are doing? You want to make him pay for hurting us? Alright, but killing him isn’t the right way. First, death would be too much of a relief for him. It’s way better to send him to prison and pay people there to make his life hell. Second, if you kill him, even though he hurt people and try to kill someone, you will also be charged with murder and sent to prison. I want to spend the rest of my days with you, but not with bars between us.” I say to Mikael while lightly hitting him on the head with my clenched fist. He seems to ponder over what I say for a few seconds, before giving up on murdering the hunter and throwing his body against the wall. He sighs in a defeated manner before letting his whole body slump forward.
I pat him twice on the back before coming before him and taking his head between my hands. I raise it and look into his deep red eyes. I always thought that he looked like a demon with his bloody eyes and dark hair, and now with the half-burned man’s blood on his clothes and fist I still think the same if not even more. However, he is my sexy demon. Yes, he has a hot temper and doesn't hesitate to beat up people, but looking into his love filled eyes that look at me as if I’m the most precious treasure, I know he won’t ever hurt me again and that’s all I need. I’m not some saint, I don’t care if he hurts other people who are not persons I care about. I know that he will only hurt them if they did something first and honestly, I don’t give a shit. I was hurt too many times by the same people who are begging for their lives when a stronger opponent comes. They only know how to suppress the weak and lick the boot of the strong. Serve them right.
 I slowly bring my face closer to Mikael’s before my eyes flutter shut and my lips meet his.

Hey dear readers, Mikael is such a sexy demon~

For those who want to know, I'm feeling way better now. I still cough a lot, way more than the days before honestly, but other than that I'm nearly fine.

I did the test yesterday and it wasn't that painful. For the nose, I thought the lady was going to reach my brain with how far she was going lol. She twisted it for 10 seconds, so it burnt a little, but it didn't hurt at all. For the mouth, it's on each sides, but it hoes really far so it made me gag a little. What really disgust me is that they use the same cu tip on the same side for both tests. Mouth first nose second, but still disgusting.

Anyways, I need to wait for 2 to 4 days before getting the results...

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(600 words)

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