Chapter 33

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Elijah P.O.V
“Be cautious in the stairs.” Jaydon repeats for the billionth time, as I go downstairs. One week after I woke up feeling warm in my mates’ arms at a hotel, with my neck and backside hurting, I started to throw up and we learnt that I was pregnant. The twins and I were overjoyed, their parents not much, but they gave up on being angry after a short while. They can’t do anything anyways now that I’m already carrying the babies and it will only make me anxious if they don’t approve. Now, one week after learning about my pregnancy, they are just excited to see their grandson or granddaughter. We decided to keep the gender a surprise, so we will have to paint everything in neutral colour and buy toys for both genders.
As we won’t know who’s the dad until the baby is born, the twins made a bet on who has the strongest sperm. Alphas are strangely prideful when it comes to things like that. Now the twins are ultra cautious about me, they don’t let me do anything too demanding on my body and even walking up and down the stairs is considered dangerous. Mikael and Jaydon also make sure to fatten me, while staying healthy, and make me take walks to exercise a little. I can now proudly say that I have gained a few pounds and am now near what can be considered as healthy.
With the two brothers sleeping in the same bed as me, not doing anything else as the doctor forbids them to do ‘it’ until I’m completely healthy, I have been able to get so much more sleep. The nightmares about my dark past, that normally kept me up at night or woke me up in cold sweat when I was finally able to find peace, are now nearly gone. Sometimes I have one or two, but they are not as vivid as they were before, and the twins immediately comfort me when I wake up screaming from dreaming about ‘him’. Their calming scent and soft whispers always succeed in putting me back to sleep for an uneventful night.
I think I have never been this happy and well in my whole life. Sometimes we have small quarrels, but we always make up in the end. It’s really rare for us to be in a disagreement, and when it happens, we are quick to make a deal.
As for the hunter that shot Jaydon, he was send to prison, but committed suicide after one week. Seems like the guys paid by Alexander were really fearsome. My Elementary’s teacher was announced dead a few days ago and all his deeds were shown to the public. Because all the victims were omegas, Uncle Maxime took over the case with his organisation and helped find all the victims to help them in rehabilitation. It also seems like one of the victims was one of his son’s mates. All the victims are from poor families or just stray orphans, it seems like Mr. Brown chose his prey well. Over a poor and young orphan who can’t even hire a lawyer and a supposedly respectable teacher, the judge would quickly make his decision, even more so if he has already been bribed by the teacher.
Luckily, as the teacher is already dead from being killed by Mikael attacked by some wild animals, the case was quickly solved with the testimonies from the students and the proofs we found on the phone.
After what happened with Mr. Brown thinking that I cheated on Jaydon with Mikael and planning on spreading it on the news, we decided to hold a big wedding and announce our polygamy relationship to the world. We don’t want any bad rumors spreading because of some misunderstandings. It really makes me happy that the twins are going to announce me as their mate, there won’t be any annoying flies turning around my men anymore.
However, the wedding will be held after I give birth to the little monster in my belly. Samuel told us that he was really stressed when preparing their wedding with Alexander, so it won’t be good for the baby if I’m anxious. Even if I’m not taking part in the preparations, which won’t happen because it’s my wedding, I will still feel nervous. Even with my meds, I still stress pretty easily.
Therefore, the wedding will be held in nine months, but a public announcement about our relationship has already been sent to the newspaper and the twins made a few speeches already. They are really into it.
Mikael also made arrangements to have a house for us made near the pack. We can’t always stay at the twins’ parents’ house. Even more so that Samuel will give birth nearly at the same time as me. We can’t burden them that much.
I can’t believe my life changed so much in so little time and honestly, I feel as if everything is happening too fast, but I don’t mind it, because I have never been this happier.

Hey dear readers, so sweet~

Next chapter will be an epilogue~

Here's the progression of my art project~

Here's the progression of my art project~

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 The pants took me so long to paint hahaha

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The pants took me so long to paint hahaha

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