School restarts

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Hey guys sorry for not posting in a while i couldnt think of what to happen next,i finished this chapter just for you guys,
we got 3 00+ views almost 400 actully,Thank u guys a million,enjoy this chapter.

Harry's POV

"so how are we supposed to kill the snakes now?" i asked as we walked away from the great hall, "I dont know,we were lucky to bring whats left of the mirror....were going to need a lot more people though." Hermione answered as we made our way to the almost empty libriary.

"Also we need a better place to kill them in."She added in shortley,I nodded my head as we rounded the big library doors.

Draco pushed open the double doors and the three of is walked inside and sat at the dest most far away from the last bit of chattering students.

Right after Hermione set down her bookbag on the table,she walked over to the book shelves and bwgan looking for a book.

"Er-what exacly are we looking for?" I asked a bit akwardly."For a book about the mirror of erised," she said pulling out a book and skipping through the pages then putting the book back.

"Sorry," Draco said "But why do we need a book about the mirror?" Hermione slamed the book shut and got a nasty glare from the librarian.

once The librarian turned away Hermione hit Draco in the head with the book. "To find out anything we can." She said before turning twards the bookshelf again.

"Shes turning into snape." i whispered to Draco and he snickered. Hermione turned around and Hit both of our heads with a book,"Do you guys have a better idea?!" She asked.

I didnt want to say what i said next but i only said it to cheer up Hermione."You could ask Mcgonagall to continue lessons,whats the point of having Hogwarts open with no classes and no 'exams'"

Draco gave me a what have you done glare as Hermione said "Alright,"And she left the library to Proffecer Mcgonagall.


That afternoon At dinner we wernt suprised when Proffecer Mcgonagall told us lessons will start tomarrow,Hermione looked pleased with herself as The headmistress finished speaking.

I finished my Dinner quickley then walked up to my dorm alone,Draco told me he would cacth up after he finishes his dinner.

I walked down the hall twards the dungeon floor getting closer to the common room.Once i got to the common room i found it not desserted but with only a hand full of slytherins.

I got past them quicklet and entered the messy dorm.I sat on the bed on my side of the room and stared into a wall lost in thoughts.

Draco's POV

I opened the door to my dorm and found Harry sleeping on his bed,I smiled a little bit then kissed him awake.

I pulled away a few inches and Harry said "is it morning?" "nope still evening." i said sitting beside him as he rubbed his eyes.

"so," He said putting his hand back down "what are we going to do untill we got to go to bed?"

"I herd quidecth tryouts were tomarrow,Wana go for a spin out side?"


soon me and Harry were standing on the quidecth field mounting our brooms.

Harry somehow managed to get a golden snicth "3,2,1,Go" he yelled before throwing the ball into the air,i zoomed up a few feet below Harry and searched for the ball.

Soon i saw a shimmering gold,The snicth.I dived after it Harry behind me. Both of our arms our streacthed,I was close to the snicth and the 3 hoops.

My fingers were about to close around the snicth when a voice made me look away and i slamed into the pole.

"What are you two doing out of the castle!?"The voice said before i fell.i got up massaging my head,Harry landed with his fire bolt next to me.

"Flying,"He said "Boys you both know no one is alowed out of the castle today tomarrow you both will have deten-Fine ill let you go this once,to the castle now."

Mcgonagall i thought before looking up and seeing her,"Hurry up now!" She said.

I picked up my nimbus 2000 and walked with Harry and the headmistress  into the castle.

aaaaaand there you have it hope you enjoyed i might update today again if i have time to wright it,

Love ya guys

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