Chapter 33

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        You are my end 
and my beginnings...


"What are you doing?" He asked knowing it perfectly well.
For several minutes he watched her, pretending to be asleep. She was too cute, smiling at her finger, which was adorned with a beautiful ring. He wanted to see her like this longer, looking at her soaring in pink clouds he melted like ice cream under the scorching sun. She was too cute, he could hardly resist kissing her when she once again shifted her eyes from her finger to his face, savoring his features, thinking that he is still sleeping.

Two weeks have passed since the moment when HeDi proposed, but she was surprised and excited waking up every morning and seeing the shiny ring on her finger. She, unexpectedly for herself, quickly got used to his bear hugs at nights and his sweet snoring in her ear early mornings, his smell acted on her as sedative, and no matter what happened during the day, in the evening being next to him she felt renewed, protected and absolutely happy, she never, even for a minute doubted her such an early decision to say Yes to his proposal, he was her half and she felt like whole with him.

The most important thing now was to announce this to her parents, and today was the very day when she was going to tell them. She didn't want to leave them in the dark, especially after His mom called him, saying that she would come to meet her future daughter-in-law.
She felt nervous again, remembering that it was today when she will visiting them. She sighed deeply and sat in the bed. Her face changed from dreamy to worried and HeDi immediately noticed it.

"Wang HeDi..." lightly tapping his arms she whined "Your mother....Your mom is"  she didn't want to wake him up from his sleep, but she couldn't help, her excitement was eating her up. Looking at him as if hoping for salvation she pouted, he fully opened his eyes and chuckled.
Yawning HeDi pulled her back into the bed, closer to him and kissed the top of her head. "She's not a monster, don't be afraid." his voice is still hoarse after night rest

"Hey!!" She slapped him on the chest. "I know, I'm just worried, what if she doesn't accept me? What if she doesn't like me?" She started panicking

"Hey...hey...hey !! Wait." he cupped her face and smiled warmly pressing her to his chest.

"She knows about you, she saw you ... ok not in real life, but on the photo in my office, and I am more than sure that she will like you in real life. Relax, be yourself and don't think too much."

"It's easier to say then to do." She mumbled  in a lower voice

"How could you hide this from us?" Wang Lian whispered to her son in a half-cry as she glanced at the front of the kitchen where Yue was. 

"I did not hide it. There was simply nothing to tell.  Everything turned out spontaneously.." He himself did not believe his words, he lowered his head trying to hide smirking face from his mother. Her look was sarcastic enough to think that she didn't believed him.

"Two years. Mhmm, spontaneous?  Don't talk nonsense Didi, I'm not a stranger, don't forget that I'm your mother, and I perfectly remember what happened to you after meeting her. How can you call it spontaneous?Who was that boy who was searching for her this two years?" She knitted her eyebrows glaring at him and shakes her head

"How did you know?" He jerked his head and blinked at her, but then realization hit him, Caesar was her informer.

Lian just shook her head, not bothering to answer.

Yue wasn't deaf, she heard some of his mother's words whether she wanted to or not. Finished her stuff she walked to them trying to look unbothered, when in reality she was curious to know what did she meant by 'happened to him after meeting her'

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2020 ⏰

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