Chapter 28

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She got into the bed and deeply sighed.  Finally she had time to think about the day, presentation, Wang HeDi, friends and Sun Quian.
Thinking of her, she remembered the folder that the girl gave her. 
She glanced at the bedside table, where she left it. Shen Yue had some kind of weird feeling when she took it but still opened the folder not suspecting what exactly it could be.

The conclusion of the psychiatrist


Diagnosis: Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder
Type ll
Patient: Wang He Di
Doctor: Zhen Hao Yun

Seeing the first lines, she suddenly straightened her back, narrowed her eyebrows and read the text more closely.

Obsessive-compulsive disorder is characterized by the development of obsessive thoughts, memories, movements and actions, as well as a variety of pathological fears (phobias).

The patient was admitted with symptoms of OCD, observed antisocial behavior, refusal to communicate with people, sometimes completely immersed in himself, feels an unreasonable feeling of anxiety

On the twentieth day patient responded to treatment.
Have been found effective methods for treating acute relapses.
Insomnia was cured by 60 percent, which allowed to accelerate the pace of treatment.  Medications to stabilize mood have improved overall health.  An important element of treatment is psychosocial support and focus on what gives positive emotions.

It is necessary to undergo a neurologist and psychiatrists every six months to avoid further relapses.  Avoid nervous tension and stresses , continue to use sedatives, create a comfortable psycho-emotional atmosphere in order to avoid new attacks...............

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She read it ones , twice, thrice and still couldn't believe that it was all written about the man with whom she lived for almost a month, in the same house.  In addition, she accompanied him everywhere as his personal assistant.  How could she not notice the strangeness in his behavior?

Doubting that this could be true, she decided to search about his disorder, and comparing the signs she found, realized that actually it makes sense. She remembered the frequent changes in his mood, how quickly he became nervous and just as quickly became sweet and caring. How frightening his eyes were when he was looking at her sometimes, and how quickly they became soft and warm. Yue was curious what could be happening with him, and how did the girl get these documents. This is purely personal information, and not a single psychologist would risk his career spreading information about his patients.

Actually now she understood why he behaved strangely before she leave in Shanghai. Shen Yue thought about how bothering he was and only hoped that it wasn't too stressful for him. She sighed looking at her phone. There was doubts about calling him right now or in the morning, checking time and throwing the side glance at the papers she decided to first talk with guys. She should have to find out about this

Meanwhile, in Beijing

HeDi was scrolling through the call log, wondering if all his antics annoys her today. He called her so many times, but still it was not enough, he wasn't satisfied. All day he couldn't stop thinking about Yue and therefore the easiest for him was to dial her number and hear the voice of a person who can calm him.
There was no one next to her with whom he could talk and find out how the day went. Jia Qi was sleepyhead, and he was sure that she is already sleeping, and asking Jackson was absurd. He had to wait until morning to be able to hear her again.
Another day and she will be back. He thought smiling and glancing at the phone for the last time, went to sleep.

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