7 Chapter

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A few minutes had passed since Yue went into the shower, HeDi was nervously walking around the kitchen, wondering where to begin his story, he had already promised her that he would tell everything, but as it turned out he was not ready for this.

What if she doesn't want to see me anymore? Or if she will get scared by deciding that I'm crazy ... How will I gain her confidence? he thought scratching his head.

He was lost in his thoughts and did not notice that Yue came out of the shower and quietly watched him from the side.

He doesn't look like someone who can hurt me. I don't feel danger from him and besides, he is very cute. She thought with a smile. Walking to him she lightly patted his arm to gain his attention

"Oh. Have you finished." He said returning from his thoughts. His eyes lingered on her, he suddenly wanted to hug her, press her to him, not giving a chance to escape before he explained himself.
"Well, will you try what I cooked?" He asked her as if was hoping to draw time before he decided to begin his story.

"Oh...Yes. Sure" She sat at the table and began to eat, still looking at him expectantly.
"You were going to tell me ..." she reminded, chewing an omelet cooked by him. "Mmm. And you cook deliciously."

"You flatter me, This is just an omelet." He laughed happily

"I haven't eaten homemade food for a long time. In fact, probably already half a year." She confessed throwing another piece into her mouth. "I think I missed it."

HeDy looked at her curiously or more questioningly, she looked up at him and when their eyes meet she said...

"Oh, don't look like that. I know this is stupid, but I do not know how to cook." Embarrassed she looked at her plate. "I should have learned while Mrs. Yu was here."

"Hahaha you don't have to be able to cook, that's fine. Who is Mrs. Yu?" He asked remembering this name.

"Yes. This is an elderly woman who looked after us, for me and JiaQi she is like a grandmother."smiled Yue remembering about the person dear to her.
"She lived with us until I recovered after the.....incident ..." she suddenly hesitated thinking why she was telling all this to a stranger, but HeDi had such an attentive face as if he were very interested, he was good listener and she has this urge to talk with him.

"The incident ..." he began to say something, but Yue interrupted him without letting him finish.

"Yes,it's my past. I had an accident. Two years ago. And I was in a coma for some time, you know, people can't just start living their life immediately after woke up from it. I had problems, a lot of them. But I think it's over now. It was as if I was born again." She smiled.

Di smiled back, remembering the time when he was with her, remembering how he had learned that she was awake, but then his smile froze and he sighed.

She did not remember me...at all.
He thought, his face goes pale, palms started sweating... it was not as easy as could look like

When she started talking about her past, he was thinking how to tell her the truth. How to tell her that he knows what she was suffering, that he was the only one person who understand her... he feels her pain... But instead of it, right now inside him was fear... and he did not know what to do with it. Di decided to listen to her and maybe find out what she thinks, before telling her everything.


Suddenly she looked at him carefully, as if she was thinking about something.
"You know, in fact, that I'm still alive, I have to say thanks to one person." She said, continuing to look deep into his eyes and making him feel strange

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