Chapter 22

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"You are my secret"......

"If this was a strange question, then I can say that the answer was even stranger." Yue laughed.
"What does it mean?"

"Hey hey hey...This is the second question. Are you tricking me..." He squinted his eyes laughed

"But.... hey..but you didn't answer my question" she cried out and pouted like a child

"Nah ... no 'But's'.  Your turn.  Truth or action?" asked Di chuckling from the inside at her cuteness

She bit her lip thinking what he will ask if she would choose Action, but it didn't look safe to her to choose the truth either.

"AND?" Di asked impatiently, tapping his fingers on the table with a one sided , teasing grin.

"A..action." She said uncertainly and seemed to regret her choice, noting the mischievous gleam in his eyes.

"Can I save this for later?" Slyly smiled HeDi.

"Not.  This is not by the rules." Yue said right away

"So you want to strictly follow the rules?  Oh well...." He nodded and checked the time on the clock said.  "It's almost midnight , so exactly at twelve o'clock I want you to come to my room, and i will tell you what to do." he smirked as he saw her face.
Yue swallowed nervously and felt her pupils increase in panic, but there was nowhere to go, it was her fault to play by the rules.

"Woah... how lucky i am. It's your turn again." He giggled.

"What?!!  Not!!! Nooo!!!" She cried out displeased covering her face with palms

"Truth or action?" He asked, his smile was stretching wider and wider.

"I feel like I'm trapped ." She grunted." This time I will choose True."

"Do you like me?" He asked without hesitation.

Yue straightened her back, feels like she was sitting in a hot chair, not knowing where to put herself, she started to chew her lips.
"I ... uuhm... think"

"I don't understand.  What are you saying?" Bending over to her, he asked again.

"Yes." She whispered, looking aside.

"What?  What?" He pretended not to hear again

"I like you Wang HeDi." Looking directly into his eyes, she admitted.

Everything around him suddenly froze, time stopped, he heard it yesterday, but hearing her say it personally to him was a completely different feeling.

Having said this, she seemed to have freed herself from some kind of load that prevented her from breathing calmly. She didn't regret at all, he didn't give her a single drop of doubt that her feelings were mutual, his eyes looked with such tenderness into her, she seemed to feel her soul melting, turning into a soft, fluffy, pink cloud. Most likely people who are in love feel like this. She thought with a sigh and smiled, immediately in response to her smile that very dizzy smile appeared on his face, from which her legs always became jelly.

What am I waiting for? He asked himself, and grabbing her hand, pulled her to him, wrapping her in a tight embrace.

Feeling his warm hands on her back, gently stroking her, she did not hesitate to hug him in response. Feeling her hands he  tightened his hugs.

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