Chapter 25

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"Hahah...You are too jealous Mr. Wang." They heard Miles voice from the side, the guy watched them with a sly smile.  "I think it's worth giving her a chance, especially if you value her this much."
"Actually I knew that you couldn't miss her beauty,  you are a photographer, an artist after all" He said pressing his lips and handed to Yue bottles with cream. "Just look, I'm sure you'll like this." He winked not paying attention to the Wang's death glares.

A few minutes later after discussion, HeDi finally agreed to have Yue as a model, but only on condition that this would be the first and last time.
Shooting went smoothly and by the evening they were both at home tired but satisfied with work.

Right after entering the house, Yue immediately went into her room to packing her luggage while HeDi was relaxing on the sofa in the living room and thinking about something.


"Have you packed everything?" He asked when she come, his voice sounded unusual and she noticed it right away

"Mhmm." she nodded
"Why you didn't go sleep ?  Aren't you tired?" raising her eyebrows, she looked at him, his face also seemed different. 

Usually he looked into her face while talking, but now he seemed to avoid meeting her eyes.

"Yes ...umm I'm tired.  I think .. i need to go to bed."  He said, but he did not move from the sofa.

Yue frowned and narrowed her eyes.  "Are you worried about something? You look weird, is it because of today's shoot?"
She asked a little bit concerned

"No ... no.  Everything is fine." He smiled, but still didn't look into her face focusing on tv.

He is strange... she thought, there wasn't anything interesting on tv and she was sure that he avoids her, but she didn't know why

"Hmm... Well, then I'll go to bed, I have an early flight tomorrow.  Good night, Wang HeDi." She turned and slowly headed toward the stairs, still awaiting his response or any reaction.

"Shen Yue, can you stay with me a little longer?" He said sadly, almost whispered

"sure..." She approached him smiling warmly

He moved to make for her space on the couch and took her hand when she sit next to him

For five minutes they sat silently, thoughtlessly looking at the TV screen.

"What are you thinking about?" She said breaking the silence

"Eight days left." He said

Yue turned to understand the expression on his face, but he was looking at the screen.

"Will you really be back in two days?  I will not count the days when you are not with me, I'm going to add them to those eight days so that you know." Like a offensive child, he muttered.

She looked at him silently while he continued to watch TV.

"But what will I do without a personal assistant?" He continued pouting

"I planned your schedule for two days, don't worry. And then I will be back soon. It's just two days" She smiled.

"I don't care, I'm not counting them" he mumbled

"Fine" she said wrinkling her nose

He suddenly turned and finally she saw his eyes.  Eyes full of longing and sadness, like the eyes of a little offended boy.

"Two days, eight no...ten days ..." he laid his palm on her cheek. 
"I will always miss you, no matter how long you leave and no matter how long you stay with me, I will miss you when you sleep, when you take a shower, when you talk on the phone." He said taking her breath away.  "Can you... can you stay...? With me, forever?" He understood how absurd his words were, but he still felt that he should ask.

Yue closed her eyes and started to bite her lip, not knowing how to answer his question, because she still had to fly away.

Closing his eyes, he approached her and kissed,  gently pressing his lips to her.  "I'm afraid that you will disappear again." He said through a kiss and removing strands of hair from her face began to examine her long eyelashes, she slowly opened her eyes and he continued to look into them, drowning in their warmth.
"I want you to be only mine, I want to be sure that you will not be lost, that you will not leave me anymore."

Yue smiled softly.  "Didi, I'll be back in two days, I promise." she said putting her palm on his cheek

"I know. I know." He hugged her tightly.  "I know Yue, but my heart doesn't want to understand this... I can't help it" he sighed heavily stroking her hairs

"What can I do so that to make you feel better?" She asked, his melancholy mood arousing concern in her.  That he always feels so bad was her fault, she unknowingly upset him, so now she wanted to help him at least before she will fly away from him

"Be my girlfriend." He said suddenly surprising her "Let me be your boyfriend, I want our relationship to be official, I want everyone to know about it.  Let me do it."

Yue opened her mouth, she was surprised and somehow satisfied, smile formed in her face giving him hope

"I love you and I know that you have feelings for me, maybe you still don't love me, but I can wait.  Just don't give up on me and I will do everything to make you love me in return" his face was serious and she felt how her heart squeezed when she looks at him

"I want to tell the truth, being just a boyfriend is very small, even stupid for me, but I know that it's not the time to offer something more serious, I don't want to scare you, so let's start with this.  Let's be a couple? Officially."

His eyes full of hope was looking deep into her, as if he was trying to find in them answer...
And he did...
He read her mind and her eyes
She was ready...

Silly , if only you would know that I already love you.  She thought with a smile on her face. 
"Let's try" she said and hugged him tightly not giving a chance to take a breath.

In the morning, taking her to the airport, he returned home and, opening the door, stopped at the threshold.  Nothing seemed to him the same as it was before, without her, the house looked empty.  He slowly walked into the living room and collapsed onto the sofa.

"Two days." He repeated to himself and pulled out a phone to check the time.  "Need to sleep Didi, you have a lot of things to do before she will be back." He said and smiled at his thoughts



"I missed you..." she pouted "you completely forgot about me.  Called only sometimes, is there such bad communication in Beijing or were you so busy with someone that you did not have time?" With a grin, Jia Qi said.

She met her friend a few minutes ago but already burned with impatience to try everything out from her, but her plans were destroyed.

"Hey, why are you here?  I said that I would meet her." she squinted her eyes at Jackson, who had already managed to pick up the luggage from Yue and hugging her stood in front of JiaQi .

"What the heck? I'm also her friend, what a silly question you asking me?" He said and looking at Yue with wide smile. "She is jealous." He joked

JiaQi snorted rolling her eyes. 
Yue and Jackson laughed out loud at her gesture, everything was the same as before, her friends didn't change, but she felt that something was missing, or rather someone ...


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