Chapter 1

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Luna's pov
I'll never forget the day my whole world see,my mom's work relocated her to we had to move,leaving behind any friends we we began to unpack my mom suggested that I should explore while her and my brother continue to unpack,"no fair!why does she get to explore and I'm stuck unpacking?"Logan whined.I chuckled,"of course he's already complaining."I thought."because your sister is 17 and you're only 7 Logan."mom reminded him,he huffed and crossed his arms.I sighed and smiled,shaking my head."don't worry Logan,"I put my hand on his shoulder,he looked at me."if I find something cool I'll buy it for you."i said,"promise?"he asked as he held out his pinky.I smiled and shook his pinky,"promise."i said,he grinned.

After putting on my shoes and grabbing my back I said bye to mom as Logan,assuring them that I'd be back soon.after I closed the door I walked down the concrete road and eventually found myself walking on sand,as I walked I heard noise coming from somewhere far."huh?what's that?"I thought.curious,I decided to follow the source of the noise,only to discover that it was coming from a boardwalk!my face lit up,I excitedly rushed towards the entrance.there were a lot of people out and about,I ended up going on some rides and winning some prizes for the sun set I heard some music playing,it sounded like it was coming from the beach.

I walked down the beach and saw a concert happening.they were playing a song from a band I knew called Twisted Sister,"I've never been to a concert before...I guess it wouldn't hurt to go to one!"I thought as I walked towards the concert.everyone around me was bouncing and dancing to the song,"wow everyone must really like this song."I thought.I wanted to dance too like everyone else,but I didn't really know how to dance so I ended up just leaving.

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