the past #3 ~~ Let the games begin

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A/N: I Typed "the past #2" over but only the part where they were planning the mission.

3rd POV

The five young boys stood in front of a large mansion in black tuxedos and masquerade masks.

They took a deep breath and walked into the building to see people dancing and living life as if there was no tomorrow.

"In around 20 minutes, you to hit the stage." Y/n whispered to Olive and Oliver before casually taking a tray filled with pastries out of a servants hands and walking off.

The twins nodded before walking to who knows where, while Adam just sat in to corner of the ball room until it was his time to shine.

Victor was having a debate with several  grown men about tequila and whiskey.

Y/n looked at his "family" with a blank expression until his mouth upturned into a heart warming smile.

After a few drunk people finished singing, y/n signaled that the twins needed to step up on the stage, Adam smirked deviously as he watched the boys walk onto stage knowing that hell was about to raise.

(( A/N: Oliver on the left and Olive on the right. At this point you can let your imagination take the lead but at "1:28" that's when Adam starts using his quirk but if you want to listen to the whole thing then go ahead, I think it's best to download the song on you device and listen to it))

Everyone the started to either; Stare at nothing in suprise, sadness, or fear,  Pull their hair,  Fight each other, and even commit suicide. If you were standing on the outside of the building you would've srown that inside was hell itself from all of the screaming and crying. The twins continued to happily dance and sing happily on the stage, looking at the scene in satisfaction. Adam laughed maniacally because some of those people fear where just ridiculous in his opinion and the fact that someone killed themself because they saw their died grandma was just hilarious.

Y/n and Victor tied 8 unconscious men up to chairs and sat them at a long table 5 minutes after that the song was finished and the five boys sat at the table eating everything until the men woke up as they listened to the guests screams as if it was music to their ears.

"Well, let the games begin~." Y/n chuckled as his family started to laugh.


Yes, yes its hella short I know ¯\_(ツ)_/¯........

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