Chapter 11~~ intruder alert

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Y/n P.O.V

We finally made it to the common room, All of my classmates and caterpillar we're there.

"Students, we have something very important to discuss. There has been an intruder lurking around the school campus and the dorm building." The sleep deprived man announced while everyone else started to panic.

This is quite interesting.........

"Do you have any security footage?" I shouted.

"I was going to get to that but then you immature fetuses started to panic." He groaned rubbing his temple.

He then showed us pictures that wasn't very useful in finding this "intruder" in this situation because only the silhouette can be seen.

"Y/n can you please come with me." He said standing up to walk out the building?

I welp with a 'sure' and just followed right after.

Time skip~

I sat there in the teacher's lounge looking at the teachers/heroes awkwardly.

"Y/n, it seems as if the intruder has left a message for you." Principal Nezu said putting a videotape into the DVD player.

A body stood in front of the camera, only the rough and dry breathing can be heard.

"So you think you can away from our plans, the plans that we've been planning  for years!!!! You think that you can become a hero and still have the blood of the lives we've ended on your hands!!" The voice then let out a bone chattering cackle. I screwed up my face in annoyance knowing exactly who this mother fucker is.

"I'm coming, I'm coming for you Y/n and you won't even see what hurts ya!" He laughed out then the video came to an end.

Everyone then turned to me.

"Do you recognize anything?" Caterpillar asked.

"He was my accom well the was until he bailed out on me and literally watched me get dragged to jail........ I don't understand he's supposed to be in France...... ." I replied under my breath. "I used to live here in Musutafu until I turned 5, we then later moved to France since for an arranged marriage. Our parents wanted us to get to know each other before I turned 17 which is when we were supposed to get married, when we turned into villains we made goals and ways to accomplish them." I continued.

"What type of goals?" Principal Nezu asked.

I raised and eyebrow. "Is that even any of your fucking business?" I replied.

"Well it technically is, you are a former villain so who knows if your gonna turn back to your old ways." The stripper ((Midnight)) retorted.

I groaned loudly. "Our fucking plan was to come back here and take over Musutafu. My former accomplice Victor wanted to rule the world but we can barely rule Japan much less the world so we made the decision that we'll rule Musutafu together and who came in our territory either had to become a slave or die, happy now?!?."

I replied arms wide open. I don't know but something about this woman just ticks me off.

"Did you and your 'accomplice' fall in love at any point." She continued.

"You know what!" I shouted stomping towards her.

"How about you get your fucking nose out of the ass!?" I shouted aggressively poking her forehead with my index finger.

"WHO THE HELL YOU THINK YOU ARE!?!" She shout gripping my wrist.

"Someone you don't wanna fuck with." I growled.

"Okay little ones knock it off." Principal Nezu said drinking his tea.

The stripper at midnight features calmed a bit but I still held up my glare.

"Knock. It. Off." Principal Nezu said putting his cup down.

I looked at him then looked up to the stripper and stepped away.

"Yes we got in a romantic relationship but it didn't last long." I said still glaring at the stripper with my grey orbs. "May I go to my dorm now. It's getting late." I growled.

"Yes you may." Mickey mouse replied sipping his tea. "Aiwaza please escort him to the dorms."

Caterpillar nodded in reply and we were off.

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