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Welcome back! This is a longer chapter compared to my normal update length so I hope everyone enjoys it!
I highly recommend the song I listed for this chapter, I think it really fits for Jimin's character and the overall theme of the book :) if you listen lmk what ya think

Remember to Vote, Comment, and have a good day~
(please read the side note at the end of the chapter)

Remember to Vote, Comment, and have a good day~ (please read the side note at the end of the chapter)

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"I'm glad you asked"

The temperature in the office felt as if it had dropped by twenty degrees as the amused expression from Jeon's face faded away to nothingness. A new, stoic look now in its place as his black eyes narrowed into emotionless slits. I swear I could feel my stomach creep its way up into my throat as even Heiwang looked as though she knew what was about to happen. Her eyes looking near hungry as she waited for some kind of command from her master; her long pink tongue flicking over those fangs for teeth as her ears were already drawn to a rigid point. 

I was itching to reach for my gun. The action alone would probably result in a nasty bite from that monster of a dog, but if I could shoot her damn owner it would all be worth it. In fact, not only did I have one gun, but I had two. Namjoon's pistol which was still concealed in the inseam of my stolen suit jacket would probably be the easiest to reach for first, but at least I had 14/Moon-boy's gun as a backup.

The white button-down shirt I was wearing now began to stick to my arms and torso for an entirely different reason now than thirty minutes ago. However, now I think I would prefer the blood over this. My skin felt hot as the uneasiness built in my stomach, yet, I still couldn't bring myself to move. It was like the same sensation I had felt at the La Vie En Rose club. No matter how many red flags Jennie had practically waved in front of my face, I couldn't bring myself to call off the deal. I was going to see it through until the very end, and even now there are still questions I have about the club that have gone unanswered. I don't want to be left in the dark anymore.

So even now, despite the multitude of red flags Jeon has given me, and although I have an 'out' for this entire situation, I knowingly decide to play myself into his hands. There are just too many things I would like to know the answer to, and sometimes surrendering is the only way to get those answers.

I take a deep breath and try to collect myself before I could say anything stupid.

He obviously needs you, or else you wouldn't be alive right now.

"Well?" I asked putting on my best, irritated expression, proud that my voice came out as strong and level as it did. I would always prefer hostility being known over weakness, and there was no way I was going to allow myself to cower under a psychopath like Jeon.

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