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Remember to vote, comment, and run fast!
This chapter is so unedited

y'all quit PLAYIN! Thank you💕 Remember to vote, comment, and run fast!This chapter is so unedited

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If I had a dollar for every misfortunate event that has happened to me over the past few days, I would be a fucking millionaire by now.

It was either the fact that the universe has some secret vendetta against me or I just have the worst luck a person can be cursed into having, because seriously, how hard is it to escape a mansion?
Harder than expected obviously.

I let out another curse as I swiped the keycard in front of the scanner for the third time just to make sure this was actually happening to me.
The main, stupid door, to the next wing over, completely closed off, and the damn keycard I stole didn't even work. When the scanner let out a deep buzz and flashed an annoying red I suddenly regretted not shooting Fourteen when I had the chance. Absolutely useless.

I let out an irritated groan and gave the door a hard kick as I turned around to go back to the overgrown giant I had disposed of in the kitchen pantry. Surely he had a keycard on him, and surely his card would work?
However, on the likely chance that it didn't I was going to have to figure out some sort of a new gameplan and fast.

Keeping my gun up, I made sure the kitchen was clear before completely entering. The glass from the bowl I had broken earlier crunched beneath my shoes as I quickly made my way back to the pantry. With the man still in the same embarrassing position I had originally left him in, it was rather easy work to pat him down.

Finding the card I needed, my eyes snapped back up to the man before me. I hadn't thought I had ever seen him before, but now looking at him with his mouth cocked wide open, he did look strikingly familiar.

Scanning over the information on his ID, my eyes widened in surprise.

Specializing in poison and weaponizing illegal substances, Monster was the only member in Bangtan who knew the first thing about being a chemically trainer killer. Hair permanently dyed a white silver from his drug cocktails and eyes as sharp as snakes, he was lethal in more ways than one. His ID card had finally allowed me to match a reputation with a face— Monster, or I guess, better known as RM.

"Holy fuck,"

Scrambling back from his limp body, a sudden uneasiness fluttered in my stomach. So this is what a psychopath looks like.
It irked me.
Just like Taehyung, Rm was undoubtfully good looking. He didn't look like the type of person to kill people for a living, he didn't look like a monster to me. But then again, I guess that's what makes all psycho's so lethal, their appearance never matches their personal agenda.

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