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Welcome back my little thieves! I hope you've been doing well~ this chapter is...a lot, no more running, good luck!
Remember to Vote, Comment, and celebrate 13k!

a lot, no more running, good luck!Remember to Vote, Comment, and celebrate 13k!

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"You're telling me,"

His voice fell upon my ears like a crack of lightning. The sound of his dark chuckle causing the hairs on my neck to stand and my breath to catch in my throat. It was upon first instinct for me to reach back out for the door handle again, but I knew there was going to be no chance of escape.
Not this time.

My fingertips had managed to just barely graze the golden door handle before the sound of his gun cocking into place made me stop dead in my tracks.

"Ah-Ah," He said quickly. A condescending tone laced in a heavy satori coating every word he spoke as he continued,

"I wouldn't try that if I were you, Jimin,"

I didn't have to look at him to know that he was smirking, but as I turned around it only confirmed my suspicion. It was like a bad case of Deja Vu as he pointed his gun directly at me. The barrel of his pistol, barely visible from the cloud of smoke that came from his cigarette.
I scowled, of course I'd run into you.

As if he could read my mind, the smirk across his handsome face only grew. Raven colored hair ruffling as he cocked his head to the side, blowing out another puff of smoke slowly from behind his large desk,

"It's good to see you again Jimin, although I had originally imagined that I would be the one coming to see you. It seems as though they didn't tie you up tight enough,"

My eye twitched in annoyance as I pushed out a reply,
"I'm glad I could exceed your expectations, Jeon."

His lips pulled tight as he looked at me with amusement,
"Amazing. Even in captivity you still manage to be as mouthy as ever."

I knew my annoyance had to have been written across my face but I remained silent as he stamped out his cigarette.
Nodding his gun to the side, he gestured to the chair that was positioned in front of his desk,


My stomach churned as I stood dead still in my place. The last time I got close to Jeon, he injected me with foreign drugs and shot bullets at me—I wasn't trying to have history repeat itself.

"I think I'll stand,"

Jeon's glare hardened and suddenly I felt as though I was on fire, his gaze burning holes right through me.
He only said it once more, his voice chilling as he motioned to the chair for the last time,

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