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-While it has not been confirmed, the V in this operative's name has been rumored to stand for Virgin.
Without any traces of external injury's, nor signs of victim struggle, the anthropologist unit is still in the process of trying to solve how this operative kills.
The cause of death remains unknown.

-The signature mark of this trained killer can be found in the center of his victim's chests. Shaped into the form of a tiger, the purple mark seems to be nothing more than a custom made stamp.
-No evidence of poison can be found within the purple ink.
(Autopsy reports included with attachments below)

Family background: unknown
Age: unknown
Appearance: The operative has been identified for his strikingly handsome features and alluring voice-

I scoffed at both the interesting warning at the bottom, and after finished reading through his joke of a description.
Strikingly handsome my left ass cheek.
Once again these files were proving themselves to be nothing more than vague. The only thing remotely genuine about them seems to be the gruesome details of the killings.

My mood pivoted somewhere between worried and interested as I continued flipping through the file,
Twenty-five pages worth of bodies...

A spine chill tickled down my back I found myself looking at the photos attached.
The victims didn't seem to have any specific or notable similarities between them at all- well, that is if you're not including that lame-ass purple stamp pressed to their chests.
Old, young, male, or female, it didn't seem to matter.

My mind floated back to his rumored nickname. The name tasting somewhat sour as I thought it over.

I grimaced looking at the corpses.
It wasn't the deaths that irked me. Being a part of a gang like this, the killing had to be one of the more pure things listed in their job description.
But, I had to admit the entire thing was rather unsettling.

Their bodies left untouched- Pure, like a virgin's, as if nothing had been done to them at all. No signs of blunt force trauma, suffocation, bullet wounds, scarring.
It's like they had just dropped dead.
Another chill ran down my spine as I looked down at the file within my hands.
There were only twenty-five examples listed here, but I knew for a fact that there was probably more to be found.

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