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Jimin's POV
"Thirty-five, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy... seventy-five, eighty."
A smirk made its way onto my lips as I continued to count through the man's pocket change,
only a small token of what I was getting ready to get.

My bottom lip rolled between my teeth as I glanced at my laptop, merely watching as my money rolled in.
Tucking the stolen bills away into a pocket of my leather jacket I took a sip of my black coffee,

An impressed whistle left my lips as I lulled the man's sleek black credit card back and forth between my glove covered fingers tips,
Not bad Mr. YoonSoo Hyuk.

My smirk only grew larger as I snapped the now useless piece of plastic in half.

It was a little too easy to steal from the handsome businessman earlier this morning.
He was walking down the sidewalk not paying attention to where he was going, shouting curses into his phone about some business deal that was obviously going wrong.
He was so out of it that he didn't even turn to face me when I ran into him.
Let alone notice I stole his wallet.

I chuckled and tucked his driver's license away into my pocket as a souvenir. A token for today.

Bringing my attention back to my laptop, I finished the last sip of my coffee and set aside the now empty cup.
Pushing up my glasses that resting against my nose, I popped my knuckles before typing away at my keyboard,

"Let's do some shopping..."

Muttering to myself I put in my earbuds and turned up the volume to drown out the voices of the people in the cafe surrounding me. Crossing my legs in the booth, I ran my ring filled fingers through my blonde hair and clicked onto a new tab,

"What do you have for me today Gucci?"

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