CHAP 12 🥰

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Kairi had decided to stick with Alvaro's table from now on.

After Alejandro had answered his question with a simple "Love." it had gotten really awkward after that since Kairi was pretty sure it wasn't supposed to have said out loud; and then Alejandro and Mattia left the room for like a good thirty minutes and when they came back it had gotten worse.

That was definitely the worse sleepover he's ever had—hands down.

And he's had a lot of sleepovers to compare it to.

He spent most of the night questioning what Alejandro meant when he said that. He beat Alvaro up because of love? Love for who? Mattia?

Alejandro said he was straight too.

Guess Mattia just had that charm about him.

Kairi kind of understood it—but at the same time he didn't.

The Italian had a lot of good traits about him. But his bad ones shined through more.

And Kairi didn't find it attractive. Not one bit.

So now he was sitting at Alvaro's table. Trying to appear like he was interested in whatever conversation his friends were having even though his mind was in a totally different place.

"Kairi what's up with you? You've been spacing out ever since you sat down—you know Alvaro tried to eat your food like twice now?" Robert suddenly said, finally snapping the boy out of whatever some he was in.

The boy only shrugged. "Just thinking."

"Yeah? About what?"


A boy that he now knows is called "Hunter" looked at him with an apprehensive expression. "So for the last fifteen minutes you've been thinking" He questioned before sharing a look with the other guys at the table.

Kairi furrowed his eyebrows. "What's wrong with that?" He grumbled.

His eyes flickered over all of the boys faces, realizing that they didn't believe him that much.

"You mean like homework? Is there a test in one of your classes or something?" Alvaro suddenly questioned making Kairi instantly turn towards him.

"Uh yeah. Yeah. I'm just hoping that I pass."

Roberts eyes immediately went wide. "Wait it's not in our class right?"


"Okay good—I mean—You'll do fine Kairi. If you want we can help you study though."

Kairi shook his head. Alvaro could clearly tell something was up. This was the first time ever that Kairi was picking at his food instead of eating it.

"No it's okay." He replied quietly.

"Hey, Kairi?"

The boy turned towards the voice, his eyes making contact with a blonde boy.

"Oh hey Sebastian!"

The older teen smiled as he jogged over to Kairi who was currently stretching on the gym floor, his fingertips reaching to touch his toes and Sebastian couldn't help but widen his eyes.

"Woah, you're really fucking flexible." He pointed out and Kairi rolled his eyes with a small smile.

"Not really."

"Um," Sebastian side eyed him "Yes really. Probably gonna embarrass myself because I can't even reach my ankles but do you mind if I stretch with you?"

The brunette only shrugged. "Yeah, go ahead."

A smile graced Sebastian's face as he plopped down, stretching his legs out before popping his neck, apprehensively gazing at Kairi as the boy stretched absentmindedly.

"So um-" he started, feeling nervous when Kai looked over at him. "I know I already said it over text, but I wanted to say it in person too....I'm really sorry." He apologized, his face full of guilt.

Kairi quickly shook his head. "I already said it was okay. Honestly, you probably hurt Alvaro more than you hurt me." He gave the boy a small sympathetic smile, he could tell he was genuinely sorry.

"Yeah....I know—we talked about it though. It's all good there."

"That's good to know."

"Kairi." A voice called out from behind him.

The brunette craned his neck to look, seeing Alejandro with a stoic expression on his face.

They haven't talked since the sleepover. Which was on Friday. It was Monday now.

Only two days...but still.

He wondered what Alejandro wanted to talk to him about.

"Oh hey." He greeted quietly, feeling a bit awkward since Sebastian was literally a foot away.

"Hey um, I was wondering if I could talk to Sebastian," Ale said to which Kairi just shrugged. "Alone." The older added after a moment of silence.

Kairi's eyes widened briefly in realization, his gaze flickering over to a confused and surprised looking Sebastian before he looked back over to Alejandro. He nodded, scrambling up to his feet before moving over to the wall and plopping back down.

Well alrighty then.

The boy stretched his legs out in front of him before leaning forwards again to touch his toes, watching out of the corner of his eye as Alejandro sat down in front of Sebastian with a serious expression on his face.

"Did you tell him?"

The blonde fought back an eye roll. "No. I didn't. You don't have to worry about it. He knows it's not Alvaro though."


Sebastian eyed him before leaning in. "Why don't you just tell him? When he thought Alvaro was the one who outed Mattia he still remained friends with him." He whispered with a little shrug.

"That's not the issue. The issue is with Mattia finding out." Ale replied, his facial expression turning stressed as he thought about it.

Sebastian continued to eye him.

"Don't you trust him?"

Alejandro cracked his neck as it suddenly felt sore before running a hand through his hair. "I don't know....things have already been different since he got here—I don't want to take any chances." He replied, a thought of even though I kinda did at the sleepover. flashing in his mind.

He really didn't mean to say it out loud. It kinda just...slipped out.

The latter only hummed. There was a lot of things he wanted to say but he knew that it would be best not to; not if he wanted to stay on Alejandro's good side. Technically, they weren't even on good terms still. So he just stuck with a simple,

"Well you know the secrets safe with me.....but, Kairi's a good kid." He said as he turned just the slightest to gaze at the small boy. "He has a big heart."

Alejandro only nodded before getting up and walking back to his original spot next to some of the people from his friend group, a small smile making its way to his face as he thought about Sebastian's words.

He does have a big heart...doesn't he?

sorry this is so short 😭 and late.

i had family visit me 😔😔

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