CHAP 8 🥰

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I'm glad u guys are confused 😌✨

Kairi set his water bottle back down on the bench before running a hand through his sweaty brunette locks and wiping his forehead. He furrowed his eyebrows, feeling like there was someone behind him.

Turning around, his eyes widened slightly when he saw half of the soccer team behind him.

"Um....yes?" He questioned, his voice small as he eyed the unfamiliar faces of his teammates.

He already felt his hands start to shake as he let them fall to his sides, thinking it would look weird if he clasped them together to stop them from trembling.

Kairi wasn't the best at being in the center of attention. Especially if it was with people he didn't know. Imagine how Alvaro must've felt that day...

Kairi quickly shook the thought out of his mind.

"Um...what you did earlier....that was really cool." One of the boys said before scratching the back of his head, making Kairi tilt his head in confusion.

"During the practice game?"

"No—well that too I guess, but I'm talking about," the teen lowered his voice before slightly leaning in so that Kai could hear him better. "What you said to Mattia." He whispered, the other boys around him slightly nodding in agreement.

The petite boy only looked at his teammates before letting a small, confused grin grow on his lips. "Uh thanks was that cool?" He asked, making the boy chuckle.

"Well if it was any of us that decided to speak up—we probably would've gotten threatened....he would've made us stay after so we could beat up." He let out a bitter laugh, the other teammates immediately looking at him in alarm.

"Dude shut up!"

"You'll get us in trouble!" Another one exclaimed before shoving the taller teen.

The unnamed blonde haired boy shrugged before glancing down at Kairi. "You're on our side aren't you? I'm assuming since you talked back to him...." he trailed off, looking at the brunette with uncertainty.

Kai opened his mouth to speak, his eyes immediately flickering over to another teammate who quickly whispered something into the other boys ear.

The blondes eyes widened as his unbothered gaze suddenly turned into one of alarm.

And his true colors came out.

"You're fucking friends with the dude?! Is that why he let you talk to him like that? He doesn't even let Alejandro....shit are you one of his new fuck toys?" He asked before scoffing, the horrified expressions on the other teammates faces growing as the boy spoke.

"You the new Alvaro?"

"Dude shut the fuck up! You're going to get us beat up!"

"Sebastian, you fucking asshole." A sudden voice spoke up and Kairi gazed over with a fast beating heart and teary eyes to see another short boy standing there.


"I was never his fuck toy you homophobic bitch." He spat, making Sebastian scoff.

"Oh, I'm the homophobic one? Please, we all know you guys fucked. Mans was practically in love with you. Who would've thought he'd be the one to-"

Alvaro shoved the blonde boy harshly, making him trip on his feet and fall down, his bottom hitting the grass harshly. Sebastian groaned out in pain before chuckling, making Alvaro roll his eyes.

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