Chap 1 🥰

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"Alejandro you're too freaking nice, ya know that?"
Mattia commented before throwing an arm around the boys neck, pulling him closer to his body.

Alejandro's mouth popped open as an offended expression made its way on his face. "That's not even true! Right, Kairi?"

Kairi shrugged, a small smile on his face. "I don't seem pretty nice to me." The small boy shoved his hands into his front hoodie pocket as he listened to his new friends bicker.

Yep. New.

Kairi had just recently moved to the United States from Misawa, Japan because his mom wanted to be closer to their dad who had been stationed at New Jersey (who was in the military) and even though they were still getting used to the new setting Kairi could tell that his mom really enjoyed it here.

And after meeting Alejandro and Mattia, the wasian boy could finally agree with his moms opinion on the place.

Not that New Jersey wasn't cool, because it definitely was, it's was just that Kairi wasn't used to the U.S. Everything was bigger and more intimidating, making him feel lonely. But the pair made him feel like he belonged here which he really appreciated. His English was pretty good but he still had trouble pronouncing words and some of the phrases they said didn't make any sense but Mattia was teaching him so he would learn.

Which brought him to the next thing, they were all mixed with Italian! Which Kairi wasn't too surprised about since they were in New Jersey but the boy still thought it was cool.


The said boy was brought back to reality with Mattia's booming voice and he snapped his head up in surprise, stopping his movement when he realized he was about to bump into a trash can.

"Dude if you would've walked any closer you probably would've fell in." Mattia commented with a laugh and Kairi looked at him confused before he realized it was a joke about his height.

He rolled his eyes. "I'm not that small." He muttered.

"Mmmm yeah you are, but it's cute so it's okay." Alejandro reassured.

"You're gay is showing, Ale."

"That's why you tried to kiss me in ninth grade." The latter retorted, snorting when Mattia shoved him before looking at Kairi in alarm.

Kairi chuckled lightly, shrugging. "It's fine I'm...I'm actually gay, myself." He admitted shyly making Alejandro coo inwardly.

Before he actually caught on to what his friend just said and his eyes nearly bulged out of his head. "Wait are you serious?" He turned to face the blushing Kairi who nodded.

"Wow same, high five." Mattia exclaimed as he put up his hand and Kairi raised his own before Alejandro elbowed Mattia in the stomach, rolling his eyes.

"He was joking."

"Oh." The small boy ruffled his hair before putting his arm back down in embarrassment.

Catching this Alejandro quickly brought the conversation back to the topic at hand. "How long have you known?"

Kairi furrowed his eyebrows and looked up to the ceiling as he thought about it, he had known from quite the young age actually. "Right before I turned thirteen." He answered with a small smile, remembering how nice and supporting his family was.

He was very lucky for that, he knew that not all people were as fortunate when it came to support.

"Oh really? That's cool."

"Yeah, Ale is still in the closet so maybe you can help him-"

"Literally shut up Mattia." Alejandro gritted out making the taller boy smirk.

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