CHAP 4 🥰

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"Get away from me dude, you smell like smoke." Kairi exclaimed in annoyance, a slight disgusted expression on his face.

Mattia chuckled at that, letting go of the smaller boy (as he was back hugging him) and fell into step beside Alejandro who was on the left side of Kairi. "Sorry, I had to vape real quick." He replied making Kairi furrow his eyebrows.


"You don't know what that is?" Mattia asked amused, finding his friends innocence cute.

Kairi rolled his eyes. "No I do, I just—I mean I've heard the word before I just don't exactly know what it mom always told me not to worry about it."

"And you listened?"

"Why wouldn't I?" Kairi replied in confusion and Mattia just shrugged with a grin. "Mommas boy." He teased making the smaller roll his eyes again.

"I'm glad I did—I don't want to smell like smoke all the time." Kairi grimaced before his eyes widened. "No offense to you of course, Mattia! Sorry, that was mean of me." He added as a small pout made it way to his face.

Mattia's grin didn't leave his face after Kairi's comment. "Nah it's cool. I'll only vape after school from now on so you won't have to smell that."

"You don't have to do that. It's not that deep." The older replied, using one of the phrases that his friends had taught him when they had first met. Which resulted in the other two boys smiling widely.

"Jeez you and Alejandro are so nice it's almost repulsing, Ale call me a whore so I don't feel so bad for being mean."

Kairi's eyebrows furrowed in confusion while Alejandro just scrunched his face up. "Hell no—you'd probably like that shit anyways."

"What top have you met that likes to be called a whore?" Mattia asked.


Kairi didn't really have a big idea about what the pair were talking about but he still giggled nonetheless, finding the pair's bickering to be quite amusing. As they entered the crowded cafeteria Kairi made sure to look down at his shoes, not liking the way people stared at him whenever he was with Mattia and Alejandro.

He suddenly felt an arm wrap around his shoulder and instantly smiled before looking up at Alejandro who grinned back down at him. Kairi shyly looked back down at the ground before tightly grabbing onto his backpack strap, letting Alejandro's arm guide him to their table.

"Hey Kairi, since Ale won't will you call me a whore?"

Kairi instantly snapped his up, making eye contact with Mattia who looked up at him expectedly. "P-pardon?" He questioned quietly.

"Call me a dirty, filthy whore."

The small boy stared at him with wide eyes before glancing at Alejandro who was pinching the bridge of his nose as he shook his head in disappointment. Kairi looked back at Mattia with a confused expression plastered on his face. "Y-you're a dirty, f-filthy...whore?"

"With more confidence! Cmon, you got this Kai!" Mattia encouraged as they neared the table. "Stop trying to taint his innocence, Mattia." Alejandro muttered but the latter only scrunched his face up with a "what the hell are you talking about?" before putting his attention back on Kairi.

"You're a dirty, filthy whore." The older muttered.

"Louder babe, I know you can do it." Mattia encouraged making Kairi's face go hot pink from the pet name.

"You're a dirty, filthy whore!" He exclaimed and the pairs eyes widened. That was the loudest they had ever heard Kairi speak and it was right in front of their lunch table.

Mattia's eyes were widened in amusement, a glint in his eyes as he stared at the petite boy.

"Jeez, I think you just made Mattia fall in love with you." Alejandro commented before gently pulling Kairi's arm to sit beside him as they got settled at their table.

But Kairi ignored the comment, being too focused on the fact that he just shouted a provocative term out loud, for basically their table and the surrounding tables to hear and it didn't help that they all went silent for a moment before snickering ensued.

He felt more than embarrassed, his cheeks aflame as he kept his head down so he wouldn't have to see the other boy's faces.

"....hey is this the infamous Kairi?"

Kairi instantly snapped his head up again, a lost expression on his face as he looked around the table to see who had mentioned him. The boy instantly noticed that everyone already had had their eye on him, making his condition even worse.

His eyes found their way to Mattia who was sitting across from him with a guilty look plastered on his face as he made brief eye contact with Kairi as well. "Sorry Kai...we couldn't help but talk about you." He mumbled and Kairi had to bite his bottom lip to stop from smiling.

"Yeah...I guess I am then." He replied after finally looking away from his friend.

"Ahhh—Mattia you were right, he is cute. No homo though." A guy with curly brown hair commented before winking causing Mattia to kick him in the shin.

"Shut the fuck up Hector."

Kairi only laughed, making a mental note to ask one of his friends what "no homo" after lunch was over.

The rest of the lunch time was spent with Kai listening to the other boys at the table tease Alejandro and Mattia while quietly eating his lunch, smiling from time to time when the Italian boy would retort with an insult of his own.

The lunch bell rang and everyone quickly got up, the boys saying their goodbyes to the trio, (Hector not forgetting to throw in a wink towards Kairi, making the small boy blush) and everyone went their separate ways, Ale and Mattia both throwing an arm around Kairi as they ventured into the hallway.

"So—how was your first day at our table?" Ale asked and Kai gave a small smile.

"It was pretty cool...the guys are funny." He replied softly before looking down at his shoes. Because he would definitely be lying if he said he didn't enjoy Alvaro's table more.

"Also," Kairi suddenly spoke up as he remembered something. "What does 'no homo' mean?" He asked curiously.

Mattia choked on his spit.

hope u guys are liking this so far because I'm not sure.

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