CHAP 13 🥰

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Mattia and Alejandro were a bit...rocky right now.

That sleepover was such a bad idea.

He seriously didn't mean to say that out loud.

He "convinced" Mattia that he just meant a brotherly love but his best friend was smart in means of common sense so even though he acted like he believed him—he really didn't.

Ale planned to stick to his word though. Down to the grave.

"Hey so are you and Sebastian friends now too?" Mattia asked with no clear emotion in his voice.

"No." Kairi said simply as he shrugged. "He just apologized to me is all....we're chill." He added, using the new term he learned from Mattia when he first got to the school.

The latter couldn't help but crack smile at that, finding the use of the word cute for some reason. Maybe it was because he was the one that taught him it.

"Cool." He replied lightly to which Kairi only nodded.

It was a little weird between them too, but it's been like that for a good week so the trio were used to the weird tension by now.

If you could even consider them a "trio"

They were just chilling in the hallways before the last period of the day and the shortest of the group was really not looking forward to the soccer practice they had after school. Just because of what happened the last time.

He just hoped that Mattia wouldn't confront Sebastian for discussing something he wasn't supposed to.

He wouldn't.

But Kairi really didn't know Mattia that well.

"Hey you're..." he started off without even thinking about it. "You' with Sebastian, right?"

The raven haired boy turned towards him with a questioning look. "Who? Me?" He asked while pointing to his chest and Kairi nodded.

Kairi watched as Mattia's eyebrows furrowed and he scoffed while adjusting his backpack straps on his shoulders.

"Why would I be cool with him? Just because I haven't wrecked his shit yet doesn't mean that we're cool." The teen replied before leaning on a locker and lazily gazing at the shorter with an arched eyebrow.

Kairi furrowed his eyebrows as well, immediately assuming that whatever he thought "wrecked his shit" meant wasn't the same as Mattia's definition of the saying.

"Its the same as saying I haven't beat him up yet." Mattia added, making Kairi flush just the slightest in embarrassment as he nodded quickly.

Just before he whipped his head over at his friend in question, at the same time as Alejandro did.

They both processed his words at the same time.

"Wait—yet?" Ale asked, speaking up for the first time since they met up in the hallways.

Mattia turned his hooded eyes towards him before lifting an eyebrow just the slightest. "I'm not going to beat him up." He said flatly before leaning in so that he was right next to Alejandro's ear. "But if he pulls some shit like that again I will. Whether you're by my side or not." He added with gritted teeth.

Ale's eyes widened as Mattia pulled back to flash him a small, knowing smile. The older's eyes flickered down to it before he pressed his lips into a thin line and looked away from his best friend all together. He adjusted his backpack strap on his shoulder even though there was no need to and Mattia couldn't fight back the smirk that made its way to his face.

Kairi watched in confusion.

Pure confusion.

His two taller friends seemed to always have silent, private conversations that he couldn't decipher—not that there was any means to.

Private conversations were private for a reason, even if there were no words exchanged during them.

"Right. So you're not cool. Cool." Kairi confirmed in a rushed tone, just to break the weird silence—even though his voice was so hushed one would think he was talking to himself. "Well not cool....but as long as you don't beat him up then it is cool." He babbled before mentally slapping himself.

Kairi shut up.

Alejandro thought it was cute though.

It was silent for a few short moments before Mattia spoke up with a thoughtful tone. "I feel like you could really beat someone up if you wanted to."

Kairi stared at him for a couple of seconds before just simply shrugging. But only because what Mattia saying was true. And key words: if he wanted to.

He doesn't.

"I've never felt like I had to." He replied nonchalantly, being slightly shady, whether he meant to be or not.

But either Mattia didn't notice the slight jab or didn't care because he ignored it with an amused expression on his face. "Not even self defense?" The tall boy continued to which Kai simply shook his head.

"No ones ever wanted to fight or bully me."

"Is that a Japanese thing?" Mattia questioned with a tilt of his head.

Kairi cracked a smile as he scrunched his face up and a brief thought of "he looks way younger than seventeen." passed the younger's mind. "No. It's a 'I keep to myself and don't try to start anything' thing." The brunette retorted a bit sassily.

Alejandro lowered his head to hide the small grin that started to form on his face.

Now he was definitely being purposely shady this time.

Mattia only found it amusing though. Maybe it was the hand on the hip that made it hard for him to get offended.

"Since when did you get so bold?"

At the mention of him being out of character, Kairi immediately got shy, feeling somewhat embarrassed for some reason.

He awkwardly scratched the back of his head before shrugging, a small chuckle leaving his lips. "I don't know." He replied softly.

Mattia ruffled his hair before uttering a small, "Cute."

Alejandro couldn't help but roll his eyes when he noticed that Kairi started to blush, immediately taking the chance to grab the smaller boys arm and pull him away when the bell rang and the action reminded Kairi of a few weeks ago—before Mattia told him about Alvaro.

Which actually wasn't even Alvaro.

"Jeez, jealous much Ale?" Mattia called from behind them and you didn't have to turn around to know the male was smiling.

"Fuck off." Alejandro exclaimed from over his shoulder, making Mattia laugh, the sound distant since they were almost at the end of the hallway (due to Ale's fast paced walking).

Kai let a small confused smile grow on his lips at the exchange. Does this mean they're okay now or something?

He knew he was a guy himself but—guys were strange.


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