CHAP 9 🥰

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"Hey Robert."

Kairi sat down next to the boy with a bright smile on his face, setting down his backpack to the left side of him before looking over at Robert.

The teen seemed a little startled at first but curled his lips into a grin as well when he realized it was just Kairi.

"Hey Kairi." Robert greeted.

Kai ruffled his hair before eyeing Robert sheepishly. "I was just wondering....have you talked to Alvaro yet?" He asked making the latter furrow his eyebrows.

"Why—oh, because of the fight?" Robert asked nonchalantly and Kairi nodded.

"Yea, he's doing alright. Was really pissed though."

"I imagine." Kairi mumbled before sighing.

He was still beating down on himself for not doing something when Alvaro was getting the shit beaten out of him. But, Kairi had to give him some points because Alvaro definitely got a good few hits in there two.

But he could tell the short boy was inexperienced....and scared.

The way Alvaro had looked at his bloody hands afterwards sent literal chills down his spine. He had looked absolutely mortified.

"Hey you're not.....blaming yourself for what happened right? Cause it's not your fault." Robert started, resulting in Kairi quickly shaking his head.

"No it's not that. I just...wish I could've—I don't know." Kairi leaned back in his seat before letting out a breath, deciding to just dismiss his words. "Was that his first time fighting since...." he trailed off, knowing Robert would understand.

The boy looked down at his desk before sighing. "Yup. He was pretty shaken up about it....probably got flash backs or something."

Kai shook his head in disbelief, a sudden spike of anger going through him when he thought about yesterday again. That Sebastian dude.....

"Who does Sebastian think he is?" He suddenly exclaimed before turning to face Robert who's eyes had widened. "Everybody seems so scared of Mattia but he had no problem saying that stuff to me." Kairi arched an eyebrow.

The tall boy in front of him scratched the back of his head before clearing his throat. "I don't think anyone really expected that to be honest. Usually Sebastian keeps quiet—I don't think he was expecting for Alvaro to really hit him either." He said quietly.

It was silent between the two for a couple of moments before Kairi shook his head again, still not being able to wrap his brain around something.

"Is Mattia and his crew really that scary? I mean, I get how if it's a whole group of guys jumping one person but.....why doesn't someone just threaten Mattia with a one on one fight?"

"If everyone is so scared, why don't you do something about it?" Kairi added with a confused expression that only doubled when Robert just sighed.

"Kairi just leave it alone, alright? Mattia thinks that it was Alvaro. Let's keep it that way." The teen replied instead, knowing that the small boy next to him was just going to dig a deeper hole for everyone else.

But that little man was stubborn.

"Okay but it was just some sophomore girl right? Just tell them that? It's not like they would actually find her and beat her up." Kairi retorted, making Robert groan in annoyance.

He suddenly turned his body as well to face the older before leaning in so that they were inches away from each other. "Think about it Kairi. If it was really just a sophomore girl that told everyone, do you think we would've let Alvaro get beat up? No. You know what that means? Alvaro lied. It wasn't some sophomore okay?" He whispered harshly before moving away and facing the front again, leaving no room for further discussion.

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