voice part 2

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 As soon as the group walked though the door of the house, Perrie was dragged away by a random team mate claiming that the blonde needed to take a shot for every goal she made that night (which was three). Before Perrie could protest, she found three shot glasses lined up in front of her with a small group of people surrounding her, all expecting her to drink them.

Fuck it. Perrie thought, and quickly downed all three one after the other. The group cheered her on as she felt the burn of the liquor slide down her throat. Slightly buzzed, Perrie excused herself to find Jesy, Leigh, and Jade once again. Unfortunately, the alcohol seemed to have already taken effect on the small girl as it was suddenly much harder for her to walk in a straight line or without stumbling. The world slowly started tilting to the left (or was Perrie falling to the left?) and just when she thought she was about to hit the floor, the world was suddenly right side up again. Perrie giggled, thinking about how stupid she was being. The world wasn't moving, it was in fact just the house that was moving.

"What are you laughing at?" a voice from behind her said. It was then that Perrie realized her back was pressed against someone's front and their hands were holding her upright. Perrie stood up on her own, swaying a bit but she was steady enough, and turned to face her savior.

"Jaaaadeeee! I was looking for you and Jes and Leigh, how lucky is that," Perrie laughed to herself.

The brunette raised her eyebrow at her, confused at how Perrie was able to get tipsy so fast. Perrie was gone for maybe 20 minuets before Jade found her again.

"Perrie, are you drunk?"

"What? No no, just a little tipsy I think," Perrie giggled, "I had like three shots but I'm okay, I swear," Jade nodded slowly and started moving past her to try and find a quieter area of the house. "Wait where are you going?"

"Ah, I don't really know. Somewhere quieter,"

"You do know you're at a party though, right?"

"I-I um, well yeah I know that but it's really loud in here so I was going to try and go out-outside," Perrie suddenly grabbed Jade's hand and started leading her to the back door that lead to a small backyard that doesn't normally have a lot of people due to the chilly night and lack of music. Jade let out a small yelp but none the less let Perrie guide through the house.

Stepping out into the cold night sent a chill down Jade's spine. She wasn't expecting to stay out all that late, thinking she would just go home after the game so her outfit wasn't really meant for being outside but it was better than being surrounded by people. Perrie noticed her shiver and instantly unzipped her team jacket at draped it around her shoulders.

"Perrie what about you? Aren't you-" Jade tried to protest but Perrie waved her off.

"I'll be fine, alcohol makes me warm anyway," Jade nodded and tentatively pulled her arms into the jacket, basking in the warmth it provided. Perrie is slightly taller than her, so the jacket itself was a little large on Jade, but the blonde thought it was the most adorable thing ever.

"You don't have to stay out here if you don't want to, you-you probably want to celebrate with your team and all..."

"Nonsense, you shouldn't be here alone," Perrie said, taking Jade by her hand again and leading her to a bench on the side of the garden. The two sat side by side, Jade making sure to leave a sizable gap between them without being too obvious. "So Jadey," Perrie said, trying her best not to let her words slur together, "Tell me, why does it seem like you never want to talk to me, yet I find you staring at me at my games," Jade nearly choked on her spit.

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