voice part 1

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 Perrie was late. Very late. Her statistics professor had requested for her to stay back to talk about a couple of Perrie's missing assignments, which would have been fine if she didn't have football practice exactly 15 minuets after her last class. And so, 45 minuets later, Perrie dashed like a mad woman across campus, changing into her uniform in record time.

She was tying up her blonde hair into a high ponytail while running onto the field when her coach noticed her.

"Edwards! Nice of you to join us. I trust I'll be seeing you after practice, yes?" Perrie inwardly groaned but nonetheless agreed, joining her team in the training exercises they were doing.

"Damn Perrie, you're never this late," Jesy, Perrie's best friend from the team said as soon as the blonde was in the vicinity, "You're gonna regret that,"

"Yeah yeah, it wasn't my fault though," Jesy raised her eyebrow at her, clearly not particularly believing what Perrie said. "What? I'm telling the truth,"

"Whatever Edwards," Jesy said with a slight laugh, "Oh by the way, I have to rain check our lunch plans tomorrow, my sister has some sort of art gallery thing? I honestly don't know what it is but my parents are making me go since she's always at our games,"

"Yeah, no problem, we can go out another time," Perrie said, finally allowing herself to focus completely on the drills she was supposed to be doing.


Sure Perrie was late, but a complete set of suicides per minuet she was late? That's pure cruelty at that point.

Needless to say, Perrie was exhausted. All she wanted to do was change and head back to her flat for a well deserved nap. Normally, this long after practice no one was in the locker room anymore, as it was getting pretty late. So when Perrie entered, she thought that she would be the only one there. She was wrong.

As soon as she opened the door, she could hear water running in the shower. Not a massive deal to Perrie. Obviously if this person waited so long to shower, they probably wanted to be alone, so Perrie opted to stay quiet and change and just shower back at home. She was almost out the locker room with her bag in hand when the singing started.

Whoever was in the showers had the most beautiful voice that Perrie had ever heard in her entire life. The girl was singing a song Perrie had never heard before but it instantly became her new favorite song, The girls voice was like an angel singing down to her directly from heaven (and considering her terrible after practice drills, she didn't think that being dead was too far out there in terms of possibilities). Perrie, not one to be incredibly creepy, decided against figuring out who was singing, rather she opted to sit and listen by the door to the locker room.

The blonde sat by the door, listening to this mystery girl sing her heart out with her eyes closed, just taking in the way her voice carried around the locker room. Sooner than later, the water shut off and she could hear the girl walking out of the shower. To avoid any embarrassment from potentially seeing the girl, Perrie quietly slipped out of the locker room and quickly made it to her car. Suddenly being so late to practice wasn't that bad.


"I'm telling you Jes, she has the most beautiful voice I've ever heard in my life,"

"Isn't this one of the tropes in the original Camp Rock?" Perrie shook her head and flopped down on her bed dramatically, holding out her phone so Jesy could still see her through their facetime call.

"I mean I guess so but seriously Jes, I need to figure out who she is, talking to her in the locker room would be weird,"

"Well if she sings well who knows what other noises she can make," Jesy said rather nonchalantly, nearly causing Perrie to choke on her own spit.

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