damn that hurt

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Fuck, she better be okay. That was all I could think while I watched my girlfriend limp off of the football pitch with her arms around two of her team mates. I pushed my way through the crowd gathered at the barrier, muttering sorry here and there but not meaning it in the slightest. I moved as fast as the crowd would permit, but finally made it to the stairs that led down to the field. I ran to the sideline where Perrie was getting checked out by the athletic nurse. Perrie's face was scrunched up as the nurse kept touching her knee and asking what specifically hurt.

"Perrie what happened? Are you okay?" I asked, slightly out of breath.

"Someone on the other team tackled me and my knee gave out" she said through clenched teeth, "and fucking hell does it hurt." I grabbed her hand in an attempt to make sure she knows I'm here for her.

"Perrie I would advise you to go to the emergency room, I think you may have torn your ACL.  Are your parents here to consent to an ambulance call?" The nurse said.

"No" groaned Perrie.

"I can take her" I said immediately, "I can also call her parents once we're there" the nurse shot me a pointed look before nodding.

"Normally we wouldn't allow that but considering her parents aren't here and the game won't be over for a while, I'll allow it."

The nurse helped me move Perrie to a wheelchair and then to my car so we could start the drive to the hospital.

Throughout the drive, I kept checking in on Perrie. Most of her responses were grumbles or moans of pain. I really just wanted to take all of my baby's pain away so she wouldn't have to suffer.  And I knew that this pain would last a lot longer than just the injury. She wouldn't be able to play football for quite some time and that was going to kill her from the inside. But I would be there through it all.

Once we arrived at the hospital, I had Perrie put her arm around my shoulders and I helped her inside as quickly as possible. I could tell she was in so much pain.

"You'll be okay baby, we're almost there" I murmured and kissed her cheek as we crossed the threshold of the emergency room. I called out for help and in the blink of an eye, my Perrie was out of my arms and wheeled off with some doctors. I attempted to follow but one of the doctors stopped me.

"Family only for now Mrs, I'm sorry"

"Please," I begged the doctor, "Her parents aren't here and I'm not sure if they are going to show up. I need to be with her" He debated silently in his head for a minute.

"Fine, follow me, if anyone asks, you're her sister."

I thanked him a million times as he led me down the hallway to where Perrie was.

3 hours later

Perrie just came out of surgery and was still out cold. I had called her parents as soon as I got in Perrie's room but they ignored my call so I tried from Perrie's phone but they hung up as soon as they realized it was me calling.

Perrie's parents don't like me. Not in the slightest. They blame me for "making their daughter follow satan". Which is absolutely ridiculous. I'm banned from their house and any of their family events. If they find out I'm at any of Perrie's games, they either leave or don't show up all together. Perrie claims she'd rather have me there supporting her but I still feel bad.  Perrie has to constantly lie about her whereabouts to be with me and when she can't, she sneaks out and spends the night with me. She would wake up early to make it back to her house in time so her parents wouldn't get suspicious. In short: I don't think her parents are going to get over their hate for me enough to make sure their daughter is okay,  and it's making me really upset.

"Damn that hurt" Perrie muttered, slowly waking up.

"Hi baby, how are you feeling?" I said, grabbing her hand and brushing a stray but of hair out of her eyes.

"Groggy and out of it but I can't feel my knee at the moment and I want it to stay that way. Did you call my parents?" I sighed.

"I called them twice from my phone and five times from yours but once they realized it was me calling they hung up and sent me straight to voicemail."

"Did you text?"

"Too many times"


"Oh indeed"

She stared at the ceiling for a second before turning her head back to look at me.

"I don't want to go home to them Jade," she said, squeezing my hand, "they're horrible to you and obviously can't accept me for who I am. I'm literally in the hospital and they aren't here. They can't get past the fact that I love you. How am I supposed to recover from this damn injury if I can't even see you and I'm stuck indoors for who knows how long."

I gave her a small smile and kissed her cheek.

"You'll get through it, FaceTime exists babe. And I can always sneak up to your window at night." I said, trying to make her feel better.

"No Jade, I want to move out. They're never going to accept me for who I am and obviously don't love me enough to overlook who I love and come see me at the damn hospital."

I stared at her for a second. My mum loves her, and is aware of our situation. Now with Perrie's injury it would be a lot harder for her to be at home for very long.

"We have always talked about living together when we're older, why don't I call my mum and accelerate the process?"

"Really Jadey? You mean that? Because I can always ask Leigh Anne or Jesy if I could crash with them, I don't want to bo-"

"Per you wouldn't be bothering me or my mum or my brother." I reassured her, "let me just call my mum and get everything cleared." As I finished my sentence, a doctor walked it to check on Perrie so I took that as my opportunity to call my mum out in the hall.

As expected, Mum said Perrie could stay under the condition that she would sleep in the guest bedroom most nights. At least until we graduate.

As I finished up my phone call, the doctor walked out of the room and gestured that it was okay to enter.

I stared at the door before entering. Perrie has a long road to recovery, but I'm ready to be there with her every step (or lack there of) of the way.

AN: heyyyy guys. So idk if I'll be updating more but I don't have school for the next like month so we'll see.

But let me know if you guys want a part 2 of this

Stay safe everyone! Wash those hands and don't hoard things you don't need!

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