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 "Jade, are you really still playing that stupid game?" Perrie asked, slightly glaring at her girlfriend from her place on their bed. Jade on the other hand had her eyes glued to her computer monitor. "It's nearly 3 AM please just come to bed," Jade waved her hand, dismissing the blonde's comment.

"I will babe, I'm just about to finish this level so give me a minuet."

"Jade seriously, you need to sleep,"

"Ah fuck," Jade muttered as her character, once again died, "I will Pez, don't worry. We don't have to work tomorrow so I'll be fine," She continued frantically pressing buttons on the Playstation controller without looking up once. Perrie rolled her eyes and turned over in bed, her back to Jade.

The blonde had never hated an inanimate object more in her entire life. She thought that buying the offending game console would help out her girlfriend stress wise, but it only added to her own stress. Jade would find herself sucked into a video game until the late hours of the night and Perrie wasn't into it in the slightest. The blonde would have Jade's full and undivided attention for a while, but then she would go to the bathroom for five minuets and find Jade seated in front of her computer monitor with her headphones on like she wasn't even there.

Perrie wasn't sure how long she was asleep for, but she eventually felt a familiar pair of arms wrap around her waist. She cracked open one eye to look at the time on the digital alarm clock on her nightstand.

5:12 am

"Jade what the fuck, you just got to bed?" She said, turning around to see Jade with dark bags under her eyes and a sheepish smile on her face.

"Um sort of, I fell asleep in my chair, now lets just go back to sleep," She said, laying down. Perrie shook her head and turned her back on Jade and fell back asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow, not wanting to argue with Jade at 5 am.


The next morning, Jade woke up to an empty bed. Upon rolling over and glancing at the alarm clock on her nightstand revealed it was barely still morning. What was more confusing however, was that Perrie wasn't in bed with her. Any time they have the day off, they tend to sleep in anyway and spend the day cuddled up in bed watching movies and indulging themselves in junk food they probably shouldn't be eating. So when Jade rolled over and found that the blonde was no longer in bed, she groggily sat up and wandered out of their room to search for her within the apartment.

The half awake brunette found Perrie sitting on the couch drinking a cup of tea, absentmindedly watching some movie. Jade smiled down at her as she took a seat on the couch, right next to her girlfriend while giving her a peck on the cheek. Perrie leaned forward and handed Jade a second mug that was sitting on the coffee table.

"Here, I made it a while ago but it should still be pretty warm,"

"Thanks babe," Jade said through a yawn. Perrie glared at her. "What?"

"You need to go to bed earlier." Perrie stated, returning her eyes to the tv.

"I will, I just got sucked into the video game I got last night it's called-"

"Jade your sleep is more important," Perrie said, cutting Jade off, "The game can wait,"

The brunette shrugged and downed the cup of tea, placing it back on the coffee table and resting her head against Perrie's shoulder. Within minuets, Jade's eyes were shut and she was taking a nice nap against her younger girlfriend. As soon as Perrie noticed, she nudged Jade awake with her shoulder. The brunette's eyes shoot open and she gives Perrie a confused look.


"Stay awake so you don't mess up your sleep schedule," She chastises Jade, "How hard was your video game anyway?"

"Oh very difficult, don't underestimate my video gaming skills babe," Jade quickly defends.

"It can't possibly be that difficult, it's just a video game," Jade looked offended.

"It's just a video game," Jade scoffed, "I'll have you know there's resource management, stealth, combat, puzzles and a gay storyline all in this one game. You can't tell me that doesn't sound enticing,"

"What if I beat you at the game you're playing," Perrie proposed.

"It's not that kind of game but regardless, I don't think you could,"

"What can I try and beat you at?"

"I don't know, Mario Kart? Street Fighter?"

"Okay, if I beat you at Mario Kart will you detox from video games for the next two weeks?" Jade let out a loud laugh.

"What do I get if I win?"

"I'll do the dishes for the next two weeks,"

"Add on mind blowing sex and you're on, but you're not going to beat me babe, I'm a Mario Kart master," Jade said, getting up to set up the old Wii they have laying around.

"You don't even have your drivers license and it's a racing game, I think I'm the one with the upper hand here." Jade handed Perrie the remote with a sly smile.

"We'll see about that babe,"


"Perrie what the fuck,"

"I told you I'd win," Perrie said, smirking back at her girlfriend, "Now, no video games for the next two weeks so you can sleep like a normal person," Jade groaned out in defeat.

"Can we pretend like you also bet mind blowing sex? I'm going to need entertainment in these coming weeks," Jade asked, leaning dramatically on Perrie's side. The blonde let out a loud laugh.

"C'mere you dork," 

AN: Short and sweet :)

question, what is your favorite one shot from this book? 

stay safe everyone!

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