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 All Jade ever wanted was kids.

Well, that's obviously not the only thing she ever wanted in life. She wanted a nice house, a stable job, a loving partner. The basics. But kids were definitely a prevalent feature on Jade's list.

Now, when she envisioned her future, she never specifically gave the person a gender, but once Jade figured out she liked girls in the seventh grade, she was a little concerned how to get those kids. Sperm donors, adoption. Kids are still kids.

When Jade was around 20, she met the love of her life. The self proclaimed love of her life that is.

Perrie Edwards was her near exact opposite. And that's what made them work. Most of the time at least.

Where Jade was a little more on the quiet side, Perrie was definitely not. The blonde could easily fill any silence between them. Where Perrie could never focus on her uni work and often had problems understanding the material, Jade was the opposite. She could easily sit for hours and work on homework and still have the energy to help Perrie out with anything she needs. While Jade could probably burn water, Perrie was damn near Gordan Ramsey. And yes, Perrie has tried to teach Jade a bit of basic cooking and yes, Jade burned herself in the first five minuets.

There was one thing that really stuck out to Jade however.

Perrie was adamant that she would never have kids.

Jade was quiet about this at first, not wanting to ruin any chances at a blooming relationship between them. After being together for nearly two years, Jade finally asked.

"Babe?" Jade asked the blonde one day while she was making dinner. Perrie hummed in response, still focused on the quiche she was making. "Why are you so opposed to kids?" Perrie nearly dropped the knife she was using and turned to face Jade.

"Why are you asking me this?" Jade shrugged.

"I know you said before that you don't want kids but you never specifically said why,"

"I just don't think I would be a very good mom," Perrie said, refusing to make eye contact with Jade.

"Is that the only reason?"

"Well, I also just don't really like kids," Jade looked back at her skeptically, thinking back to the many times she interacted with her nieces and nephew and how she didn't seem to dislike them in the slightest. In fact, if Jade didn't know any better, she would think that Perrie thought of them as her own nieces and nephew. Jade nodded slowly, allowing Perrie to resume her cooking.

Jade left the subject alone for the most part. However, as they approached their four year anniversary, Jade continued to get more and more restless about Perrie's distaste for her own children. They weren't getting any younger and while Jade was head over heels in love with Perrie, her opinion on kids was incredibly important for their future.

She watched her interact with other kids on multiple occasions, weather it was at family functions or when they take walks in the park and come across the occasional kid. It never felt like she disliked them, rather the opposite really. She was great with them, really. So, one day while they were on their way home from meeting with Jade's brother and his kids, she asked again.

"Pez, why don't you want kids, you're really great with them," Perrie's hands gripped the steering wheel a little tighter, turning her knuckles white.

"Why are you asking me this now?"

"Because you claim that you don't like kids, but I don't feel like you're actively avoiding Baby Karl every time he asks you to play with him." Perrie shook her head.

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