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 "Jade, are you sure you don't want any help?"

Jade blew her hair out of her face and glanced up from her place on the floor.

"I can do this Perrie, I swear," I stared at the instructions once again, "You should be resting, you're the one carrying our child after all." Perrie gave the brunette a small smile and sat on the floor next to her wife.

"I appreciate that babe, I really do, but you are aware you're holding the instructions upside down, right?" Jade suddenly whipped the instructions around so they were facing the right way.

"I knew that." she murmured, and Perrie let out a small laugh.

"Babe. if this were say, a nightstand, or shelf, I would totally let you do it by yourself, but considering you're building our child's crib, I think I'm going to help." Jade furrowed her eyebrows at her wife with a slightly hurt expression. Perrie cooed and pulled Jade into her arms.

"Don't take this the wrong way babe, but remember when you tried to build our kitchen table?"

"Well to be fair, I dont think we were supposed to have sex on it," Jade murmered. Perrie's laugh filled the room as Jade cracked a small smile upon hearing her favorite sound.

"Well, sure, maybe you shouldn't have been fucking me that hard on the table but it had a wobble to it before we found ourselves in that situation." Perrie kissed Jade's temple and turned to start on the crib.

"Don't you believe in me? I think I can do it." Jade murmerd, handing Perrie the piece she requested after reading over the instructions.

"I do babe, but we can build it together, and we can both be proud of it," Perrie said, giving Jade a quick chaste kiss on the lips. Jade sighed and silently agreed it was probably best if Perrie helped her out.


2 hours and one minor cut later, the pair had successfully built a rather nice crib for their child who was expected within the next month. Jade stood behind Perrie, her arms wrapping around her torso, hands mindlessly rubbing circles. The two had almost finished the nursery, the only thing missing were some decorations for the walls and a changing table. Jade gave Perrie a soft kiss on the cheek and took her by the hand to their living room for a celebratory movie/nap depending on how tired we were.

Cuddling up on the couch, we turned on the tv, but neither of us were paying attention to it. Rather, I kept kissing her neck and stroking her thighs.

"Hey wanna test out the new table? Ya know, make sure it's stable?" Perrie asked, with a small smile.

"I think that's a great idea," Jade said, capturing Perrie's lips in hers.


"Jade I thought we discussed this."

Jade's head shot up from her spot on the floor with parts of the changing table surrounding her.

"Oh hi babe, I thought you were going out with Jesy and Leigh."

"Well I was but Leigh said she felt a bit sick so we decided we would reschedule," Perrie said, "Now why does it look like you were about to build the changing table without me?"

"I wanted to surprise you," Jade murmured, "I even watched a couple of Youtube videos last night after you fell asleep to make sure I did it right." Perrie's heart surged at Jade's statement. She sighed and gave Jade a kiss on the cheek.

"Okay, I trust you to do this on your own. I'm gonna go watch tv okay?" Jade smiled and nodded at her wife.

"One condition though," Perrie said.

"Yes, anything."

"I'm going to do a weight test just in case," Perrie said, "Because the kitchen table breaking under us is one problem, but the changing table breaking with our baby on it is a whole other issue. A much larger one" Jade nodded.

"Yes of course, now go relax babe, I've got this."


Jade stared at the instructions once again. They really just didn't make sense to her. The pieces don't look like they went together, and she felt like she was missing multiple pieces. As much as she didnt want to ask Perrie for help, she felt like she needed to, she didn't want to mess this up. After an hour of work and not getting anything done, she decided to call for her wife.

"Perrie!" Jade yelled, "I think I need help."

Perrie appeared in the doorway of the nursery with a small smile on her face.

"I'll always help you baba, don't worry." 

AN: Ayo sorry it's short, I sat down and wrote this in one sitting and I thought it was cute so here ya go :) 

Stay safe and wash your hands!

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