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Random moments from jade and perrie's relationship

Perrie watched as the pretty girl who came into the coffee shop she worked at came in for her morning drink. Every morning, Jade would come in at the exact same time and order the exact same thing and today, Perrie decided to shake up their routine a little bit.

She knew Jade's order by heart now, so as the clock hit 7:45 am sharp, Jade's drink was ready just as she walked through the door of the coffee shop.

The brunette flashed Perrie her signature smile as she went straight to the pick up counter to get her drink.

"Good morning Perrie," she said, still smiling.

"Hi Jade," Perrie slid the coffee across the counter, purposely turning the cup so Jade could see what she had written on the side of it. The brunettes eyes darted directly at the string of numbers written on the side of her coffee cup.

"What's um- what's that?" Jade asked, her cheeks turning slightly more red than normal. She was well aware that the blonde girl put her phone number on her cup, but she wanted to hear Perrie say it herself.

"I was wondering if you wanted to go on a date with me," Perrie said, fidgeting with her fingers. A small smile broke out onto Jade's face as she started nodding.

"I'd love to go on a date with you Perrie"


"I had a fun time Perrie," Jade said as they pulled up in front of her apartment complex. Perrie put the car and park, quickly rushing around to the passenger door so she could open it for Jade.

Perrie hesitantly took Jade's hand as they were walking up to the building, hyper aware of the small smile that appeared on Jade's face.

When they reached Jade's door (which for the first time since moving in, Jade cursed was on the first floor since she wanted to hold onto Perrie's hand just a little bit longer) the brunette slowly let go of Perrie's hand to dig through her purse to find her keys, the emptiness of her hand not going unnoticed.

Perrie's eyes were fixated on Jade's (rather kissable if you ask Perrie) lips. Her mind was racing a million miles a minuet, trying to decide if kissing Jade goodnight was appropriate. In her mind, their date went great but she wasn't sure what the brunette thought. Perrie was so deep in thought that she didn't see Jade turn and look at her. Nor did she see Jade start to lean in. She did however very much feel Jade's lips.

And they felt like home.


2 months into their relationship, Perrie let it slip to her coworker Jesy that Jade was her girlfriend.

"Wait wait wait, you asked cute girl out, took her on a date, and made her your girlfriend without telling me?" Jesy nearly yelled. Perrie winced, slightly regretting not mentioning it to the older girl earlier.

"You called in sick the day I asked her out and it hasn't really come up in conversation," Perrie shrugged, turning away from Jesy so she could start preparing the next order.

"You could have been like 'Oh hey Jes, remember the cute girl I was fawning over? Yeah she's my girlfriend now'" Jesy said, putting on a ridiculous accent to imitate Perrie, "But you didn't! Goddamnit Perrie, am I going to have to ask you every day for updates?"

"Well I would prefer if you didn't but I don't think that's going to stop you," Perrie glanced up, seeing a flash of curly brown hair enter the shop and smiled to herself. She grabbed the drink she made about 20 minutes early so it would cool down in time for Jade to drink it right away and went over to the pick up counter.

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