Angela Webber

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"Hey, sorry I didn't introduce myself when you first sat down, as soon as that bell rings Mr.Mason starts talking," Angela greets after the bell, us packing out bags. "I'm Angela Webber."

"I know," I respond with a chuckle, "Mr.Mason told me to 'Go sit with Angela' and pointed at you, so I mean, I figured," I explain, giving the girl a large smile. 

"Oh, right," She blushes, "So, Forks must be a lot different than back home?" 

I nod to Jack, who has made a friend in a blonde boy who was his desk partner and look for Bella who has already left before Angela and I grab our bags and walk out together. "Well, 'home' is a relative term, but back at my mom's, it certainly doesn't rain as much as I've heard it does here, and it certainly gets a lot hotter in the summer."

"Sounds wonderful to me," Angela states, us chuckling. "So, what class do you have next?" 

Pulling my schedule from my pocket, I glance it over before folding it and returning it to it's spot. 

"I have Spanish with Senora Cote and Trig with Varner before lunch," I tell her, her face lighting up. 

"I have both those class too, and there's an open seat in both for you." 

"Sounds like we're just meant to be the best of friends, now doesn't it, Ang?" I ask with a smirk. 

"I think it's meant to be!" She agrees with a laugh.

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