Dean + Cassie = Winnie

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"She should be waking up now."

"Are you sure it worked?"

"Are you sure it worked," The first voice mocks, voice high pitched. 

"Angel dick."

"Monkey-brained hunter."


"You're all a mess," I mumble, shifting in bed. 


"Wait did you just call me Artemis?" I question, shooting up and opening my eyes. 

"Uh, that is what your mom named you?" Dad answers, raising his eyebrow in confusion. 

"So I'm not Nia Jones?"

"Who the hell is Nia Jones?"

"I most certainly did not name you Nia and your father is a Winchester?" Mom states, almost insulted. 

"Oh my God I'm home!" I exclaim, throwing myself at my mother. "It was awful! Our life was a tv show and I had two brothers and parents and was an actress and oh my god," I ramble. 

"You met those dicks Ackles and Padaleski?" Dad questions, rolling his eyes. 

"It's Padalecki," Uncle Sam and I correct in sync. 

"But yeah, they weren't that bad," I explain. "But you! You were all HUMAN and your name was Jackson!" I dish, pointing at Jasper. "AND he didn't have an accent. Please speak," I request, him chuckling slightly, as everyone in the room smiles. 

"We're glad you're okay Darlin'," He says, making me smile. 

"That's better. Much better."

"Artie, you should know that we learned something while you were unconscious," Cas speaks up, looking over the room. 

"Well, I can tell you I learned more," I assure.

"Zachariah was with Artemis when I arrived," Uncle Gabe fills in. 

"He told me about Michael's plan, and about my 6 month birthday. But he also told me that he was actively working to have Jack be the new Lucifer and I the new Michael. We each have their grace and he wants to use us as replacements for them," I explain. "But as far as I know it may have just been a Zach thing. I'm unsure of what other angels know about it."

"And Zachy Boy won't be an issue anymore," Uncle Gabe assures. "He may or may not have taken a small-"

"Not so small," I correct. "It was an angel blade."

"Okay fine, Neesh is right. But short story shorter, he's dead."

"You killed someone?" Bella questions in shock, me finally noticing the cast on her leg as Dad scoffs. 

"Coming from the girl who's dating a vampire."

"Bella, what the hell happened to your leg?" I question, crawling to the end of my hospital bed, dragging the iv that's attached to my arm with me. 

"Here, I'll go get the doctor to see about getting that out," Carlisle offers, standing from where he was sat with Esme. 

"I'll go with and see about getting you some food," Esme adds, taking her husbands hand and leaving. 

"Thank you!" I call after them, Mom wrapping a blanket around my back and leaving her arms around my shoulder to prevent the hospital gown from opening up. "What happened when I was out?"

"A summary would be that James bit Bella, we killed him, Edward almost killed Bella trying to get the venom out-"


"Dude, I'm just being honest," Em responds to Edward who growls in the back of his throat. "Uh, Bella's leg was broken at some point, hence the cast, and then we handed your unconscious ass over to the hospital and called Sam."

"Why'd you call my uncle and not my dad?" 

"We knew we had a better chance of survival if we called the less anger prone of the two," Edward explains. 

"Smart move, vamp kids," Uncle Gabe compliments, coming to my side and giving me a high five. "I'm gonna head out. Probably go to Boca Raton or something and find myself some women and a card game. Here, have a pop." He offers, handing me a lolli. 

"Don't get involved with any norse gods while your at it," I request, him rolling his eyes. 

"You're no fun, but I'll try my best. By neesh's friends, family, Neesh. See you for your birthday!" 

"And he's gone. Thank Chuck," Dad grumbles, Mom hitting him upside the head. 

"Be nice, he's the one who got Artie out of the bizarro world."

"Fine. But only until Thanksgiving. Then he's back on my shit list," Dad agrees, pointing a finger at Mom.

"I am realizing just how similar Winnie is to both parents at this very moment," Alice comments, smiling a small yet vibrant smile from Jaspers side. 

"You didn't think I came up with all of this on my own, did you?" I ask jokingly. "Did you all go through introductions?"

"Your mother was able to pick Alice and I out of the crowd based on what you've told her about us," Jasper answers with a smirk, making me groan. 

"Moooom, not cool!"

"He spoke! Literally all he did was speak and I knew," She defends, leaning in closer. "They're cute!" She whispers, making me blush madly. 

"They're also vampires! They could hear you six blocks away!" I explain, the vampires in the room chuckling. 

"Ms. Winchester, it's good to see you up and chatting. Let's get you checked out."

"Do your magic Doctor, do your magic." 

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