The New Kids

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"Uncle Sam, couldn't Jack and I have driven separately from you?" I question, feeling awkward as J and I climb out of the back seat of Uncle's car. "Being related to the new AP US History teacher is not what I want to be known for."

"Ouch," Uncle states, pretending to be hurt and grabbing his chest as he pulls his large limbs from the car and stands, grabbing his briefcase. "Your car is arriving from Cassie and Daniel's tonight, you can drive yourselves tomorrow," Uncle assures, taking off to his new classroom.

Turning to Jack, I then turn away and glance around the full parking lot, many eyes already on us. "Well Jackie-Boy, we have paperwork to acquire and classes to attend," I point out, grabbing his hand and pulling him through the lot.

"Hey, there's Bella!" Jack states as I pull him, me slowing suddenly and looking in the direction he is pointing. There, standing with the most attractive family I have ever seen is Bella Swan, wrapped in the arms of who I can only assume is her boyfriend.

"Son of a bitch," I mumble in shock. "Bells said her boyfriend was hot but dayum!" I exclaim to Jack, and just like that, Bella's boyfriend's eyes, along with the rest of his family's are on us. "Okay, she didn't say they were creepy," I mumble, beginning to pull Jack into the office once again. The office is small, a little waiting area with padded folding chairs, orange-flecked commercial carpet, notices and awards cluttering the walls, and large clock that ticks loudly as each second passes. The room is cut in half by a long counter, cluttered with wire baskets full of papers and brightly colored flyers taped to its front. Behind the counter sits three desks, only one being occupied. The woman sitting there is about Mom's and Dad's age, with large, curly red-hair and turquoise glasses that make her blue eyes pop and appear larger. She's wearing a purple t-shirt, which immediately makes me feel over dressed in my thin grey sweater and olive green corduroy overall-dress. 

The woman looks up, a bright smile lighting up her face as she sees that she has visitors. "How can I help you two?"

"I'm Jack Kline and this is my sister Artemis Winchester," J informs her, her eyes lighting up with awareness. We have been expected, a topic of gossip no doubt. The new gay pediatric doctor and deputy, moving to town with their adoptive son and half black daughter. 

"Of course!" She says, standing and walking to one of the baskets on the counter. "I have your schedules right here," She states, digging through the papers before returning with a small stack in each hand. "Here is each of your schedules, a map of the school, and a paper that I need each of your teachers to sign and you to return at the end of the day. I highlighted on your maps the easiest way to get from one class to another, just to make navigating campus easier."

"Thank you so much!" I thank, knowing she put more effort into making us feel welcome than she needed to. 

"It's no problem, I hope you enjoy it here. We're excited to have you."

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